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Weird PHPFusion error

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* * * Edit: My hosts informs me they are experiencing DDoS attacks * * * *

I wrote some stuff on my forum last night and made a small infusion and tested it. It worked fine, and so did the rest of the board, so I went to bed.

Now, today, I can't access anything. Internet Explorer simply displays a 404 Page not found error when attempting to load PHPFusion.

If you enter the same URL in FireFox, it displays a message box saying: (roughly translated from Danish) "The redirect-limit for this URL has been exceeded. Cannot load the requested page. This may be due to cookies being blocked."

Not being any the wiser, I removed all kind of cookie blocking to no effect. I then asked my friend to see if he could access the site. His FireFox is a newer version than mine and it said this:

"The page isn't redirecting properly.

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies."

The link is here should anyone want to try it out.
Edited by brightstorm on 13-03-2006 23:03,
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Edited by Taino on 07-08-2006 15:17,
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Well, I went to your site and it appears to be down. Also I got your sites IP so I did some pinging to it and I got some response from it. After that I went to your site using the IP address and I did got to it, but all I saw 2 directories. The phpmyadmin dir and the Monitor directory. I didnt see PF anywhere. I used NQ Ping utillity
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3020ms
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I am thinking about a hosting issue as well, but I got word that a friend of mine could see the page.

I tried to connect to my FTP and I saw all files were present and accounted for. It seems very weird, and I hope time - and my host - will clear this error up. Otherwise, I have no idea where to turn, because this error just happened, one moment it was there without I did anything at all.

Also, all other parts of my website is available and not down.
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Update in this case:
My friend have a user on the board as well, and he has auto login enabled.

When you have auto login enabled, the board works fine! As soon as you log out, the board freaks out and gives the beforementioned errors.

I just got evidence of this by sitting next to my friend's computer and seeing him access the board. He navigated a little and everything worked perfectly. I told him to try to logout, and sure, as soon as he logged out, the board went dead for him, too.

You can only see the board if you were logged in while it worked and selected auto login.

The board is still dead.

I do not believe it is a host issue when it works fine IF you had auto login?
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