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Error in search.php

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SmotW 10
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While conducting a search for "checkrights(" in forum posts on the php-fusion.co.uk website, I ecountered the following error message:


Warning: eregi(): REG_EPAREN in /home/www/pfusion/php-fusion.co.uk/docs/search.php on line 191

This error does not reproduce itself on my own site however (v600.305).

Keep up the good work.
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janmol 10
Jan Mølgård
PHP-Fusion, Denmark
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Just tried to do exactly the same search here on this sit - no errors.
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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I do get the same error, but only when searching the forums. It first appears to happen haphazardly: I have found no relation with theme (did not expect that, really) and no relation with administrative rights (no problem on my site either logged in or out). However, the problem arises when the text "checkrights9" is found in a thread. I tested it on my forum. First no problem, then entered in a post, tried again, and BINGO!
Edited by muscapaul on 21-03-2006 12:23,
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