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Why did u ban him??? He just wanted help. He's been banned for 2 sweeks now. Don't ya think that it is time to let him bakco on?? Give the kid a break.
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Actually, when a user is banned, there is no timeframe guideline. As far as I'm concerned, razorblitz07 was abusing the forums and shoutbox and demanding too much attention, disrespectfully at that. No, I didn't ban him, but I stand behind the admin who did.
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Actually, when a user is banned, there is no timeframe guideline. As far as I'm concerned, razorblitz07 was abusing the forums and shoutbox and demanding too much attention, disrespectfully at that. No, I didn't ban him, but I stand behind the admin who did.

I stand behind PHPFusion when it comes to building websites. I voted PHPFusion #1 in CMS but I also said it has descent support. Psshh, I am a very patient guy, which makes me a good webmaster. I've replied to every single post on my site even though I am very busy with updating. I make sure everyone gets an answer. Here, I have t owait 3 days to get an answer. It's not that hard to get a person to answer a question. No, I'm not demanding attention. I'm demanding help. If I knew all the answers to building a website and all the coding stuff, I would answer all the 0-replied threads. I'm in charge of my GunZ fansite and so I know almost everything about GunZ so I am able to answer every single question.

Wanna know what I think? I don't think any of you care. Get a staff who's DEDICATED to PHPFusion. I'm dedicated to GunZ and so I do my job well and so does my active staff team. I do have questions to ask about my site but who cares. No one will answer them. I rely on my staff to help me with the coding even if I have to wait 1 day for them to goto work and come back home to the computer.

By the way, both Chelzz13 and I know Trix banned me.
Edited by blitzkrieg07 on 11-08-2006 03:58,
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kejonn 10
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There are several reasons some post go unanswered and this is not all of them:

1) Sometimes no one really knows the answer because the question is vague or unclear

2) Sometimes the question does not really apply to PF. Since this is a PF support site, admins can not use up valuable time teaching people how to code HTML, PHP, or javascript.

3) Sometimes questions are asked that have been asked several times before and the answer is lying in the forum waiting for people to use the "search" facility

4) Sometimes people get weary of certain users asking questions they could answer themselves with a little work and some time on Google (or you favorite search engine)

5) Sometimes users suck the life out of unsuspecting admins or others who answer one simple quesion and then are caught in the clutches of a "help vampire"

Razorblitz07 was asking many questions and got short with those who didn't give him the answer. Plus he constantly complained over the lack of response when several of the above may have applied to him from time to time.

The oddest thing was the he often harped about wanting to be an admin on here. I must say if that would have happened he would have been the first admin on here to ask more questions than he answered.

I just picked up HTML, javascript, and PHP about 9 months ago, and only seriously about 4 months ago. Know how I learned? Books, internet sites, php.net, w3c.org, etc. Rarely did I ever learn anything on here...know why? Becuase in my years of experience, I've found that learning sticks when you work for it. Open up other scripts, open up the scripts that come with Fusion. Check out the code, look at the functions. When you get to something you don't understand, look for clues using Google. Don't come running to the forums here with every little need.

Help us by helping yourself...

EDIT: See, while I was writing this long winded response, he has attempted to answer several questions. A positive step in the right direction.
Edited by kejonn on 11-08-2006 05:08,
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No actually I just got bored and wanetd to show you all how easy it is to find 0-replied threads and reply to them with as much knowledge as possible.

Actually, I do try and figure the problem out before I start asking questions. If my questions is unclear, then tell my what is unclear. If it has been answered in another thread, post a link of it in a reply. PHPFusion is a help site for people who have PHPFusion sites. Every question I ask has to do with my PHPFusion site. Kejonn, if you would have given me that one simple code the first time, we wouldn't have gotten into a fight. I applied your codes several times and it never worked. Empty boxes with links on them showed up instead.

If I need the help, I ask for it. If I know that I can figure something out by lookin it up, trust me, I would look it up. Btw, thank you for insult me. I'm the admin for the 2nd (or 3rd) leading GunZ: The Duel fansite on the web (gotta work on my page rank...) and as far as I know, I'm doin a heck of a great job at it, helpin everybody I can.
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kejonn 10
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Fight, what fight? I never "fought" with you ;). I was giving you answers from the top of my head the first few times and couldn't sit down with code to work it out so the "short" answer actually took a little more thinking.

And I'm insulting you only slightly. Some of those DID apply to you...you were getting angry (or at least responding in an angry manner) with people who didn't answer your questions the way you wanted them. And you had this period of time when you were firing off more questions than anyone could take the time to answer.

Being a "leading Gunz site webmaster" does not make you automatically qualified for a "leading PHPFusion support team member". I could have the #1 site about Oblivion but that wouldn't mean squat on here. I could also have the #1 car dealership in town but that does not mean I could try out for brain surgeon tomorrow. IOW, compare apples to apples.

But note one thing: I DID answer your question and I'm not even an admin. I could have just thrown my hands up in the air and gave up on it but I didn't.

Just try to have a little more patience in the future, OK? And if you do have that question that goes unanswered, dig in and solve it. Its an amazing feeling to conquer an obstacle on your own.
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Actuallu being the leading webmaster does mean something. It shows how much of a hard worker you are and how dedicated you are at something.

I only complained because I was tellin you the code didn't work and was asking what was wrong with it. Ok, I'll do what you are telling me. I'll "look up" this question and see what comes up.

How replace a subheader image where the subheader links are with buttons so that it looks like this site: http://www.tucms.com/Fusioned/news.php? By the way, the webmaster of this site is the only guy available to me, he helps me with my coding every time he's available. A very helpful moderator on my site.
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Sup guys, ummm... pardon the intrusion on what seems to be a harsh forum environment... but... I am the guy blitz refer to on the post above... while I HATE drama, I am going to have to stand on middle ground here... no comment on all above issues but one thing... Razor, I gave u the theme.php file before i left the office. In that file you see how it is sorted our so they show buttons separated by other "separator" images. now... here comes the "simple" explanation you are looking for... (keep in mind that you are asking questions to someone who got NO IDEA IN HELL what you are talking about, so use more adjetives and describe more your issues)

here is the code you need to look for:

theme.php file that I sent ya at about line 52:

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."site_links WHERE link_visibility<='".iUSER."' AND link_position>='2' ORDER BY link_order");
if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
        $i = 1;
        while($data = dbarray($result)) {
                if ($data['link_url']!="---") {
                        $link_target = ($data['link_window'] == "1" ? " target='_blank'" : "");
                        if (strstr($data['link_url'], "http://") || strstr($data['link_url'], "https://")) {
                                echo "<td  width=\"100\" height=\"32\" align=\"center\" background=\"".THEME."images/button.jpg\"><a  href='".$data['link_url']."'".$link_target." class='header'>".$data['link_name']."</a></td>";
                        } else {
                                echo "<td  width=\"100\" height=\"32\" align=\"center\" background=\"".THEME."images/button.jpg\"><a href='".BASEDIR.$data['link_url']."'".$link_target." class='header'>".$data['link_name']."</a></td>";
                if ($i != dbrows($result)) { echo "<td  width=\"17\" height=\"32\" align=\"center\" background=\"".THEME."images/buttonb.gif\"></td>"; } else { echo "\n"; } $i++;

Find the parts of the code where it says buttonb and button those are the images you use as bg for the subheader links. I told u before that it wasnt that easy to explain, there is no simple explanation for any coding unless both parts know enough about the code in question, otherwise since there is so much room for error, you will get stuck. Patience is a virtue my friend. Excercise patience and rewards will come after it all.

Thats my 10 cents on this issue. Hope I was of some help.
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i did put that part of the coding into my theme.php and I replaced that part of the theme.php that I had on my site with yours. So I had in my theme.php, in that coding area, your code. I saved it and updated. Well the buttons didn't show up, looked kinda messy really. I ought to show youa screenshot of what it looked like.

I had a backup of my site's theme.php and so I put it back up. I am patient, I just don't like it when people ignore questions. I'll wait as along as I have to for a reply.
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Kristian Thorsen
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eh... wasn't Razorblitz banned, why is there a new profile on him only new email and a new username?

Damn stupid to post in a thread where you display you self.. ha ha
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thokra wrote:
eh... wasn't Razorblitz banned, why is there a new profile on him only new email and a new username?

Damn stupid to post in a thread where you display you self.. ha ha

Chill out man, that attitude only brings out more issues and drama.

Fine this razorblitz does have an attitude-self-control issue but do we really need to call him damn stupid?

I mean, if u have a fusion site and somehow you go desperata and get banned trying too hard to get help... (totally forgetting that NO ONE HAS to help you because this is FOR FREE, non paid HELP)... SO, rubbing stuff in others faces is just not the way to go if we wanna keep stuff polite and gentle.

Lets face it, this site is here to offer help and support for those who have a Fusion site. Cool, he violated a few guidelines, (as Kejonn explained before), BUT IMO, this site shouldn't turn its back on someone just because of that. I think that the ban that he got and this thread could teach him a lesson. Also I am talking to him behind the scenes about this, I mean... this is a CMS, the funding this project gets is from those who BUY the license, and those entities that help with fund-raising options to help this kind of projects, so cash flow is not HUGE or rewarding. Digitanium is a dedicated man to keep on flowing along with this project and all his staff, so I am grateful about this all. Thanks to you all and lets stop the drama and negative attitudes that lead to nowhere fast.

Admins and help seekers both need to have patience, Help givers often times need more patience than help-seekers, they deal with a lot of petitions and stuff... lets be cool with one another. Peace out guys.


blitzkrieg07 wrote:
i did put that part of the coding into my theme.php and I replaced that part of the theme.php that I had on my site with yours. So I had in my theme.php, in that coding area, your code. I saved it and updated. Well the buttons didn't show up, looked kinda messy really. I ought to show youa screenshot of what it looked like.

I had a backup of my site's theme.php and so I put it back up. I am patient, I just don't like it when people ignore questions. I'll wait as along as I have to for a reply.

That happened like that because images and table widths/heights need to be tightly the same. ALSO, the table structures are way different so just copying and pasting the code won't make it. Take a closer look to the file I gave you and compare the table structure to the one in your actual theme. You will se either less <td> tags or more <td> tags, could happen to see less <tr> or more <tr>... all of that needs to be looked at. The current bg you have must be removed, and look closer to the theme because the "banner"image is also all the border in one image. Its just the exact size to make it look squared away. This is why I told you that it is not as simple as it looks. Coding is tricky, there can be simple ways around stuff and hard ways around stuff all depending on what we wanna do and how. Just take stuff easy and work for the best while you learn more and more. Thats the only way to do it around here.
Edited by Elvenelf on 11-08-2006 16:34,
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thanks for the advice, I'll take it to mind.

Thanks for that. I'm not going to comment on it but I'll let people read what you just typed just so everyone knows what type of situation I'm goin through.
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Sometimes it occurs to me that there are a lot of people here asking questions that are clearly covered in the downloadable help file, so far I haven't seen a RTFM response. :0)
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then you haven't been around long enough, those RTFM do exist :)
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I have no idea what an RTFM is.
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kejonn 10
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"Read the Friggin' Manual" although others may use a more colorful F-word.
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It's an acronym for "Read the F***ing Manual." I despise using that phrase just because it seems too harsh. I prefer a more polite way to encourage someone to read the manual. If you haven't yet, you should. There's a lot of good information in there.
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