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  • Contributed 18 posts on the community forums.
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Who Are We?
We are a web site set up for you to post your very own tutorials and get feedback on them, people will vote and comment on your tutorials.

Whats The Point Of Joining?
Here we have a forum and a special place to post your tutorials 'Articles', we have great fun, good and bad. By joining you have access to posting and commenting on tutorials, and posting and replying in the forums. We also have some 'Members Only' forum that only the members can see.

Whats allowed and not allowed?
There isn't much we don't allow, although explitic images are a big no no , this includes pornography. On the tutorials side of things we try to keep the illegal stuff to 'Information Purpose Only!' Please try to keep this site clean and we will not have any problems at all.

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  • Junior Member, joined since
  • Contributed 18 posts on the community forums.
  • Started 4 threads in the forums
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