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Asked Modified Viewed 1,330 times
Hillbilly JiM
www.gtsr.net - Free football pick'em, now entering Year 7. Excuse the mess, currently altering site to PHP Fusion. Yarr!
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So here it is : www.gtsr.net

I've yet to complete it (or get anywhere near complete), but it's a free football pick'em game, and I'm editing almost every day until it's done.

The site has been running for almost 7 years now, however, the PHPFusion version is less than a week old. I should probably shill the link when it's complete, but oh well.

I'm going to be putting up the form for the 3rd year of GTSR Draft any day now.

Edited by Hillbilly JiM on 05-04-2007 21:43,
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www.gtsr.net - Free football pick'em, now entering Year 7. Excuse the mess, currently altering site to PHP Fusion. Yarr!
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