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Photo Submission Error:

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When I add a photo that has been submitted, I get this error on the administration/submissions.php page:

Warning: copy(../images/photoalbum/album_2/logo.gif) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/steven/public_html/administration/submissions.php on line 343

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Not a directory in /home/steven/public_html/administration/submissions.php on line 344

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/steven/public_html/includes/photo_functions_include.php on line 22

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/steven/public_html/includes/photo_functions_include.php on line 23

Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home/steven/public_html/includes/photo_functions_include.php on line 45

Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/steven/public_html/includes/photo_functions_include.php on line 46

Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file ../images/photoalbum/album_2/logo_t1.gif because Not a directory in /home/steven/public_html/includes/photo_functions_include.php on line 49

I Chmoded all directories correctly. What is causing this?
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