I am having the same problems with the lost password function that has recently been posted.
First noticed the problem on a version 10 that I put live last weekend.
Have since downloaded the latest version 11 last night as a test and it is also having the same issues.
I have downloaded and applied the lostpassword.php file that sveinings pointed to on 30 July, to no effect and then tried the maincore.php hack as suggested by WEC, which made matters worse.
Here is what is happening.
The lost password function is as previously posted in that it refers you to the main page.
However, if you try to enter the old password once you have clicked on the link given in the email sent, it states invalid password and won't let you in.
This is when you are then sent the correct email with the subsitiute password and you are then set.
I thought it may have been a simple oversight where the locale numbers were mixed up. Tried swapping them to no avail.
These are the 2 sites
www.donotmerge.comis version 10 the the 2 mods done.
You will notice that with the maincore.php mod, the new password is not even applied and you can still log in with the old one.
www.guruwari.comThis is a test site of version 11 that was downloaded last night.
I have placed the lostpassword.php file from sveinings in there but left maincore.php intact.
Anyone got any ideas?