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We've found a bug... or we thoght that

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We've got a bug in our page:

When we post something, a lot of times we've got a bug that the page remove the text so it dissapear, and we don't know what is the problem.

We've tryed a lot of things: reinstall the page, change the hosting, change the theme.... and we always have found the bug....

For example, there is a post that we can't write:

-[B]DSOrganize[/B]    [URL]http://www.dragonminded.com/?loc=ndsdev/DSOrganize[/URL]
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So, what is the problem? How can we know it?


EDIT: When we post this text in the official php-fusion page it post well... :s
Edited by d4rkb1t on 20-09-2006 18:21,
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Good work you guys - and have fun with your site!
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