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News.php paging & the welcome message?

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Is it just for me that this happens?

I tried a fruitless search for this so maybe it's just me!

On my default installation (not just the one I've been messing with) I noticed that if I have more than X news items on the default home page such that the page 1 / page 2 links appear, if I go to page 2, then back to page 1, the Welcome message is no longer showing. Is there a way to make the paging work such that the Welcome message either shows on each page or at least re-appears on the first page when you get back to it?? Thanks for any thoughts
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After playing around, it seems like the best answer for showing the welcome message when returning to the first page is using the include as you suggested (just had to make slight mod to the include statement):

if (isset($rowstart) && ($rowstart == "0")) include (INFUSIONS."welcome_message_panel/welcome_message_panel.php");

and then to show the welcome message on ALL of the pages, simply change the '==' to '>=' ...although on my site the welcome message is a bit too long to make this work well, too confusing - but maybe would work with a short one who knows!

Anyways, thanks again, these may be small solutions to small problems, but all are great learning experiences!
Edited by cornersoyo on 14-04-2008 09:57,
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Thanks for the post, good points. The include option may be a better fit to this - in fact maybe with a small change in the criteria, it could be used to show the Welcome Message on each of the pages, (though I'm not sure if that would make the paging more confusing - guess it's something I'll have to play with).

Heh you know I feel like I'm the only person who saw this disappearing welcome message thing as a problem :| so I do appreciate you (and the others above) taking the time to follow up and provide your insight :)
Edited by cornersoyo on 14-04-2008 08:29,
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It seems that I solved this by adding the following to my news.php just above the predefined variables:

if (isset($rowstart) && ($rowstart == "0")) redirect("index.php");

If there is a better way to do this please let me know - I'm not clear as to the difference between redirect & fallback but redirect seems to be doing the job...
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Thank you, yes I just looked and it certainly makes perfect sense as to the why... now I will peek into the file and see if I can find how best to change this. I'm glad to know this wasn't due to something I screwed up, not a big issue but it seems curious to me why nobody else has tried to alter this behavior?

Thanks again!
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jak17 10
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that happens on everybodys page. the reason is this. once u press "1" you are not redirected to your news.php page. when i click 1 it redirects me to http://polishgoals.com/news.php?rowstart=0

as you can see, rowstart=0. the way to change this would be to change the redirect link for the number one in your php files to yoursite.com/news.php

hope i helped?
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Thanks, but unfortunately that is not what I am trying to resolve. I don't want the Welcome Message to show up everywhere - just on the "Home" page (/news.php).

The problem is, if there are enough news items on /news.php (I believe the default max is 11 in the code, though we changed this to 7) to cause pagination to occur on this page (i.e. Page 1 | Page 2 | etc...) and a user clicks on say 'Page 2' to see the second page of news headlines, and then decides to go back to 'Page 1' - the Welcome Message that was just there is no longer there.

Since our Welcome message contains instructions for a new user, we would like it to not disappear on them should they decide to page through the news headlines. True, they can get it back by clicking 'home' - but that isn't going to be obvious to a new user.

I haven't had time to investigate this further - but I would have thought someone else would have came across this same issue and possibly resolved it???

Thanks again
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noxes 10
noxes connection
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go to system admin>> panels and edit welcome message
tick "display on all pages"

and save..
your welcome message will display on all pages
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