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Is v7 downloadable?

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Alot of Beta topics etc. going on. Im abit confused now. Is it possible to DL somekind of befa of v7 somewhere?
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Forget what I said. I don't have time to debate on this, just remember me when you guys need to fix bugs in endless number of the updates after you release final version.
If you want to contribute to the project by finding errors use the SVN. Releasing a beta without enough documentation would be crazy. Users would be even more confused than they were by the SVN-release and we would be spending our time explaining, denying or answering support questions and not fixing bugs.
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So is it that hard to write near download link that users who download v7 do that on theirs own risc and that PHP Fusion team will not offer any support for BETA or what ever version of v7, until final releace?

Nope, it's not that hard... See attached image.. B)
Edited by Xessive on 23-05-2008 00:15,
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Jock 10
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Domi wrote:
I dont know what you are getting at or from , sarcasm dont belong here.

It really shouldent be that hard to understand that we dont want just anyone to run the earlier versions since the support could take more resources than we can and wanto handle atm.
Forget what I said. I don't have time to debate on this, just remember me when you guys need to fix bugs in endless number of the updates after you release final version.
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kemper 10
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@ Jock... I have learned quite a bit of PHP and MYSQL, but am no way an expert, nor consider myself anything near an expert. Hence, I have not downloaded v7. I never said I did and will not even bother waiting any of the "True" developers time on this type of nonsense. Effective reading is pretty important and strongly recommended, before responding in that manner.
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Falk 146
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I dont know what you are getting at or from , sarcasm dont belong here.

It really shouldent be that hard to understand that we dont want just anyone to run the earlier versions since the support could take more resources than we can and wanto handle atm.
Edited by N/A on 22-05-2008 16:07,
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Jock 10
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Homdax wrote:


OOO, it is like that? So you are PHP, MySql expert becouase you know how to download V7 via SVN?

Thats quite enough, thank you.
You are having a coding problem with v. 6 so I fail to see the issue with SVN and alike. Kemper is right. You are annoying.

If v 7 would be open for download by all as a simple package with no effort at all, we would immediately be overrun by hundreds of support issues. On a BETA release. We do not want that, that is why an effort is required to get your hands on it. Most wont do that (I have not) and thus we get a "filter" that gives us much more sensible feedback on v. 7.

I hope.

And no, the Admins and the Crew are not easier off by any means.
I don't see where I wrote that I have problem with v6? I don't have problem at all with v6. This is script which will work on any CMS, and actually it working as we speak inside v6 (if you want I will give you screenshots), it will also work inside v7, just as we speak now, it don't write XML file on way which I want and need, and that is not v6 problem, but litlle bigger problem. I wrote this becouase it is challenge, php challenge for all professionals which are able to download v7 via SVN.

Anywhere, I will not debate with you or anybody else about way for download v7, honestly I don't care.

Just to prove my point that someone in PHP Fusion is maybe good coder, but bad decision maker, I will post image for Joomla 1,5 BETA NORMAL download, on same plaice where were Joomla 1.01 version download.


So is it that hard to write near download link that users who download v7 do that on theirs own risc and that PHP Fusion team will not offer any support for BETA or what ever version of v7, until final releace?
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Homdax 10
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OOO, it is like that? So you are PHP, MySql expert becouase you know how to download V7 via SVN?

Thats quite enough, thank you.
You are having a coding problem with v. 6 so I fail to see the issue with SVN and alike. Kemper is right. You are annoying.

If v 7 would be open for download by all as a simple package with no effort at all, we would immediately be overrun by hundreds of support issues. On a BETA release. We do not want that, that is why an effort is required to get your hands on it. Most wont do that (I have not) and thus we get a "filter" that gives us much more sensible feedback on v. 7.

I hope.

And no, the Admins and the Crew are not easier off by any means.
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Jock 10
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kemper wrote:
You guys just don't get it that v7 (in alpha and beta testing) is not meant for just anyone to download and install. It is meant for people that know how PHP and MYSQL work. Ones that will find the errors and can help fix them. If you do not know SVN, v7 alpha and beta testing was not meant for you.

It is somewhat counter-productive for Nick or anyone else to have to answer to these threads. Even the Average Joe that has to just download, via SVN, and try it out is not really helping the situation and testing process. They install, notice issues, then post the errors (and sometime vague as hell). This is NOT the help that is needed to make June 2008 attainable.
OOO, it is like that? So you are PHP, MySql expert becouase you know how to download V7 via SVN?

OK, I am working just now with script which will be inside V6 (it is allready there) and main goal of that script need to be that this script edit, replace and save XML file via PHP Fusion V6 admin area and one process form, so I was made real progress here. I did all good, except script update all noods inside xml file, not just those which were updated.

So last weekend I was spend totaly my free time on this problem and becouase you are expert on this and you know SVN, I suppose you will deal with this very easy and help me out with this.

Basic idea is that PHP Fusion admin is able to see, change, update and save one XML file via admin area and via one process form. He write inside that form values for that xml file, and script show him current values inside this XML file, edit and update that XML file. Very usefull, becouase than we are able to use that XML file for for example flash script.

So here is my problem.

I need specific structure of this XML file.

<creator>Joe Tribiani</creator>
<creator>Joe Tribiani</creator>

Now that script change all values inside this XML file when I change only values for Example 1. So I need something when I update Example 1, that values of the Example 2 were not changed.

So my main problem is somewhere here.

// Write root tag open tag <root>
$write_string .= '<playlist>';
$write_string .= '<trackList>';
foreach($trackList_final as $track)
$write_string .= '<track>';
$write_string .= '<title>'.$track[title].'</title>';
$write_string .= '<creator>'.$track[creator].'</creator>';
$write_string .= '<location>'.$track[location].'</location>';
$write_string .= '<info>'.$track[info].'</info>';
$write_string .= '</track>';
// Write root tag close tag </root>
$write_string .= '</trackList>';
$write_string .= '</playlist>';
$fp = fopen("test.xml", "w+");

So any help of the experts for PHP will be welcomed for me on this. I mean, when you know how to use SVN to download V7, you will not have a problem to fix this also?
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Awsome job ppl! =)
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jak17 10
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just be patient and wait for the official, safe,and supported version.
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kemper 10
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You guys just don't get it that v7 (in alpha and beta testing) is not meant for just anyone to download and install. It is meant for people that know how PHP and MYSQL work. Ones that will find the errors and can help fix them. If you do not know SVN, v7 alpha and beta testing was not meant for you.

It is somewhat counter-productive for Nick or anyone else to have to answer to these threads. Even the Average Joe that has to just download, via SVN, and try it out is not really helping the situation and testing process. They install, notice issues, then post the errors (and sometime vague as hell). This is NOT the help that is needed to make June 2008 attainable.
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Falk 146
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Like i have already stated v7 is a new platform and will not succeed v6 immediately so v6 will also still be supported.
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Well i wont be upgrading anyway. I installed v7 and found out that you have left out opportunity to upgrade for older sites or more modificated sites. For example my site is full of infusions that everyone is using. I have alot of traffic and can start messing around (building everything from zero). V7 has new template engine, and it wont support 6.01.15 mods...
You should have made it different.
What i would have done is upgrade 6.0.15 instead of blasting v7 upon us. Believe me, i wont be only one who will get angry that there are no mods, no styles, no possibility to upgrade WITH YOUR INFUSIONS. :o

Older versions will be discontinued?
If not will they have upgrades aswell?
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Jock 10
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sveinungs wrote:
Yes it is. Please read THIS news about SVN and SVN Browser
Nice, but why? That smaller possible number of the people install and test this? But that is interest of the PHP Fusion that V7 have smaller numbers of the errors and security halls when final version is released. That competition don't see what is going on? O, they will install no mater what V7 before all others.

Some person or persons are very hard inside PHP Fusion team, I see here many unlogical things, like this one with V7 download.

I am ready to install one test site to test V7 Fusion, but I am not ready to install special programms for V7. My laptop is anywhere full of the junks, I don't need more. So I will drop testing of the V7.
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Yes it is. Please read THIS news about SVN and SVN Browser
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Silverboy 10
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I think that is only downloadable with SVN
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