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I use blue host as a service provider. I have never had any problems until 12-17-08. I contacted them and they replied: "mySQL Database shoalscy_fushb has excessive CPU usage" . They have recommended Optimizing MySQL.

I have read through there articles (Optimizing MySQL: Queries and Indexes Article 1 of 4), which made no sense to me.

The articles can be found here: http://helpdesk.bluehost.com/kb/index...amp;id=499

The site is currently down. Would upgrading to V7 fix this problem?
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Check this thread aswell, more and more people causing a high cpu load with php-fusion!
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I should, at least it might. It also depends on what version you are running now (some query optimization was already covered in the later v6.01 releases), what infusions/mods you have (there are a few around that may cause a heavy load), what the traffic on your site is and how well your tables are currently optimized. But on average, yes, v7 should reduce the load on the CPU.
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