I know there might be many posts with this problem, but I have searched and there not going to help me lol
I am not running that Wammp server or what ever it is called, I find it crap if I'm honest.
I am however running;
Apache 2.215 PHP 5.2.13 MySQL 5.1.47
on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 home system, I would also point out that all the above are the 32bit versions.
Now the problem I am having is, I can't seem to get past step 4 of installing PHPFusion 7 or 6 for that matter, I have created the database in MySQL using HeidiSQL. I put the info in of the MySQL server, and click next, I get the next page, but all I get is this;
Then you should play with your server's settings. Go to your php.ini and make sure you have the following settings for your test server:
error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = On log_errors = On
This way, any error in the PHP source code will be revealed in the browser as soon as it gets executed. You should normally see error messages in the setup. If you don't, I can't tell you what's the source of the problem, but there's a chance that the database user cannot access the appropriate resources and the setup gets stuck because of that. Just to be sure, check the following:
1. You can connect to MySQL with the user and the password you chose for it 2. SHOW DATABASES; has to display more than "information_schema"
How to check all these? 1. Start -> Run -> type cmd and press Enter 2. in the Command Prompt window type mysql -u your_database_user -p 3. enter the password of that user 4. type show databases; and press Enter
If you see more than information_schema, you will have to make sure you have the necessary rights on the database you are trying to use.
5. write use information_schema; and press Enter 6. write select * from schema_privileges; and press Enter
Now you should see all the rights of the database user you have connected to your MySQL server.
Try the latest v7.01 release candidate. The setup process has been improved to be more informative in case of errors so you will probably find out quite easily what was the problem.
I don't like using Wamp, I would rather use the individual programs and run my server the right way, not the easy way as you get with Wamp.
If you had read my post, I did say I don't like using Wamp.
I did read the readme-en.html and it told me nothing. Just how to install it and to follow the on screen prompts. You must not have read it yourself to ask me if I had, because if you had of read it, you'd know that already.