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Forum-[ver 7.2.3] Forum Mods Requests

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bkny18 10
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I have a long list of modification that i want. for php version 7.2.3

1: Forum sub-categories are very much essential. Those on net are giving errors for ver7.2.3.
As my site is forum oriented forum subcategories is very much needed.

2: Pagination for forum/index.php page where ther is discussion forum which shows categories and forums inside it. Since i will have a long list of forum-categories and hundreds of forums within it , pagination is very important in the main page. Or else the list goes down and down which is very irritating.

3: A minimize and maximize button for each category and forums.

4: Box preview- I mean when your hover over a thread it will show the content of inner post, (first or last post) .

I know this function is there is the mod named-forum thread list panel(that is latest active threads panel)
But i want this in the main viewforum.php page. The orignal discussion forum page.

5: Extra field for wniting the subject matter. For now there is just a filed for subject but thats not enough .

6: Images: I want that each forum category, forum and its thread should have a small image on left side of it, which can represent it. for eg if the forum category is cars, the forum name is car-company,
and the thread name is partsthen we can add a car photo,company logo/image , and car-parts photo in the category, forum and thread field respectively.

7: Make the forum image resizable(so that it does not interfer with the profile image size) and clickable.

8: Make a drop down list to view the forum or the threads alphabetically, datewise, and by author name.

9: Instead of using the image button that is there in the BBCODE while posting in the thread, please add Browse button like that for attachment. so that users will easily attach an image.

For now that much i have to say.

I have searched the above mods everywhere but could not find one.
or the one which i downloaded give some type of error.

Im not a programmer or a coder.
I dont know any thing about php or other computer language.

So thisi is my humble request to all those coders and programmers out ther that please help me with the above issue.

I will be very very glad if some one comes up with the above.

Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bkny18 10
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Hey thanks Fangree_Craig.
That forum-subcategory is working.
Hope so it works without giving errors,

My first big problem has been solved . So thanks once again.

But i still feel that a few more things should be there in the forum.

1: Boxover, which shows the inner content of the forum or thread on hovering over them.

2: Pagination or minimze buttons or a scroll bar.

3: Arrange the forums and the threads in alphabetical, datewise or author wise order while creating as well as while viewing them.
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Here is the Sub Forums...

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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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bkny18 10
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