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Upgrade from 7.00.7 to 7.1.00 failed

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I recently had a hax attatck on our website and was advised to upgrade our very old version of PHPFusion. I upgraded from 7.00.5 to 7.00.7 with no known issues. However the upgrade to 7.1.00 failed and caused some major issues.

URL to your site:http://www.donkeypunch.clanservers.co.../index.php (blank after upgrade)
URL to your site:http://www.donkeypunch.clanservers.co.../index.php (should show you what we are dealing with)

Version of PHPFusion: last stable/working V7.00.7

Any mods you've made to your site: tried upgrading to V7.1.00

Version of PHP: 5.3.8

Version of MySQL: 5.1.56

Have you searched for your problem: breifly

If so, what terms did you try: phpfusion upgrade issues V7.0.7 to v7.1.00

State the nature of your problem: server banners not displaying, home page not displaying, forum buttons not all displaying; admin page not displaying and db error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3(shoutbox)

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5(news)

Do you have a test account for us? sorry no.

Have uploaded saved files to the public_htlm directory (entire directory) after deleting the new version files. The issues remain the same.

I have the entire website saved from FTP as well as from the admin panel.

is it worth importing the db from the saved files to replace the current corrupt db?
Any advice suggestions, help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Edited by jemstar on 16-12-2011 08:47,
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Thanks again Harley for all your advice, I have given up on the upgrade and have created a subdomain and installed fusion v7.02.04. It's working great!!! So will just put a redirect on the main server to the sub domain...seems the best solution and works fine!!!

I guess we had too many corruptions to upgrade to data base!!!

Anyways just wanted to let you know what we decided to do and say thanks for all your advice.

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Thanks again Harly!

Yes it does take awhile!! Will do 2 files at a time @ about 60kbs each, for a total of about 3500 files!!! I dont transfer the error logs as they are HUGE!!! ! assume they are atuo recreated-infact I noes they are!! I am sure I do everything right too.

As for the files being last updated, it does if I do individual files but not if I do a whole folder. But on review it does now show correct time/date of the last FTP! Even tho I was refreshing the screen after the upload, it has just taken a bit to actually refresh(like days), so are confident the FTP is working !

Thanks so much for your advice, just going to hav a break for a bit before I attempt again, probably as a sub domain.. and will ask gameservers for some advice as well, tho I think they say the website content is up to us..but they are usually helpfull in the end!!

Thanks heaps,
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Harly 10
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jemstar wrote:
Oke well atm we are 7.00.7 trying to go to 7.1 so it may work. Have tried the normal upgrade 3 times and takes about 4hrs to fix each time lol But i thank you for letting me know.

4 hours!? That's way to much! Either you, or your webhost, has a very slow bandwidth connection, because that's not normal in my PC-world. If it's your webhost that has a slow connection, you may consider getting a new one with a faster bandwidth connection - sometime in the near future. You most be a very patient man! ;)


jemstar wrote:
The only thing I can think of is when I drag the new files across it goes through transfering files but doesnt seem to change the last modified time/date. But there are no failed transfers...

Was wondering about that!!

Strange, that you do not get the confirmation on, when the files and folders where updated last (on the webhost server) - very strange! :|


jemstar wrote:
Should I do each file individually...If so would take ages and ofc as so many tranfers there is a very big possibility I do it wrong(get careless).

I would'nt recommend that! That should not be nessesary! And, as you descriped, it's already taking a very long time transfering things at the moment. Maybe you should contact your webhost and let them know the nature of your problem, because they most know, the best way to do things on their own webhotels - which usually always are set up slightly differently, than their competition's (other webhotel provider's) user-interface, and servers, are set up. You are a paying customer, and therefore you off course have a right to get some professional support on the product that you've bought! ;)

It's does seem, that you're doing everything right, so before you grow any more "grey hairs" on your head, you'll be better off, contacting your webhost to see, if they can help you making life easier for you in the future. Let me know how it turns out! B)
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Oke well atm we are 7.00.7 trying to go to 7.1 so it may work. Have tried the normal upgrade 3 times and takes about 4hrs to fix each time lol But i thank you for letting me know.

The only thing I can think of is when I drag the new files across it goes through transfering files but doesnt seem to change the last modified time/date. But there are no failed transfers...Should I do each file individually...If so would take ages and ofc as so many tranfers there is a very big possibility I do it wrong(get careless).

Was wondering about that!!
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Harly 10
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So was thinking setting up subdomain BS.donkeypunch.clanservers.com with its own DB. Put an exact copy of current website in this subdomain and test the upgrades there!

So if I did this it should be able to do separate up grades without effecting the main domain/website right?
Would use a backed up version of the data base for the new domain, if the up grade worked would replace the main website with the files in the BS subdomain and link it to the upgraded DB. Long way round but think this would work and cause less disruptions to members.

With the 7.01.00 series of PHPFusion, it worked just fine, but it does not seem to work with the 7.02.00 series:
Just tryed to make an exact copy of one of my own sites on another subdomain, and it failed. So I don't know how to do that with the version 7.02.04. So even if you manage to update the copy of your main site, on the subdomain, you still can not take that upgraded copy, from the subdomain, and transfere it to your main site. I simply don't know, how to do that with 7.02.04!

We need the more skilled coders to tell us, how this can be done, if it can be done at all!

So for now, my advice is to, try to upgrade your main site normally, and forget about the subdomain-copy-upgrade-idea!
Edited by Harly on 23-12-2011 10:27,
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Thanks again for your help Harly!!!

My host is clanservers(gameservers).

I can have up to 5 separate databases, I already have 1 for our stats page so:

Main url is donkeypunch.clanservers.com linked to main DB,

Subdomain is bloodsquadclanstats.donkeypunch.clanservers.com with its own DB and is in its own folder in the public htlm root.

So was thinking setting up subdomain BS.donkeypunch.clanservers.com with its own DB. Put an exact copy of current website in this subdomain and test the upgrades there!

So if I did this it should be able to do separate up grades without effecting the main domain/website right?
Would use a backed up version of the data base for the new domain, if the up grade worked would replace the main website with the files in the BS subdomain and link it to the upgraded DB. Long way round but think this would work and cause less disruptions to members.

Thanks again for all your input, I really appreciate it.

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Harly 10
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Thinking of setting up a copy of the website on a sub domain and trying the upgrade there so as not to disrupt our members lol.

Not sure if that is possible tho as sub domains are with in the public htlm lol.

Not a bad idea, I've done that myself once or twice - to check, if everything works out like it should, and then repeated that way of doing it on my main site.
But before we carry on: Which webhost are you using (that is, if you don't mind that I ask)?

And do you have access to more than 1 database, or do you have to share the same database when adding a subdomain? If so, you know that you must use a unique prefix for that subdomain, if it populates the same database as your main site's database tables, right? That means, that you can NOT just insert the main site's '.sql' file (in the same database), but you have to replace ALL the prefixes on the copy of your main site's database into something unique (e. g. main domain:'prefix1_', subdomain: 'prefix2_'wink, using a 'simple text program' like for example Noteblok's 'replace function', before inserting it via phpMyAdmin->MySQL.

And do you have to place the subdomain in a unique folder, in the root of the 'public html' (where your main site's files and folders are also placed), so that the folder's name, is also the name of the subdomain itself - is that how it works on your webhost's server? - sounds like it, but I just want to be sure! wink
Edited by Harly on 21-12-2011 13:50,
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Thanks again Harly..yep re the public htlm I gathered they were correct and used that for my next attempt!! Which also failed...but did work better, instead of a white screen got a "server upgrade pending" message and the shout box db functions worked as did admin panel..unfortunately the forum db failed again.

In this instance I needed to delete and reinstal the entire public htlm!! And ofc reupload saved db.

Thinking of setting up a copy of the website on a sub domain and trying the upgrade there so as not to disrupt our members lol.

Not sure if that is possible tho as sub domains are with in the public htlm lol.

Was also thinking of just doing a sub domain loaded with V7.1.xx , again as within the main root may not be possible.

Not sure why the upgrade fails..the upgrade from 7.00.5 to 7.00.7 worked a treat!!!

When I press upgrade the message I get is 'The data base has been upgraded successfully' - no more steps. I then upload all files but it stays in upgrade pending mode and the db doesnt work!!!

I am confident I am following the instructions fully so I think my server just hates me lol

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Harly 10
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Your most welcome! B)


Still not sure on wat to do with all those db upgrade.txt files

Nothing at all! They are just a 'working changelog': A dokumentation of the changes and additions to the database, which can also be used to manually upgrade the database bit by bit. Only for those who really know what they are doing, when it comes to working with advanced database functions, as far as I understand it. So just ignore those db upgrade.txt files untill, you've gained enough knowlegde to know exactly what your doing! ;)


my hosts gameservers suggested only the public htlm root needs editing

They are absolutely right about that - that only the public htlm root needs editing! (The rest are automatically generated back-ups of your sites files and folders, as far as I know. Not exactly sure how that works, though.)
Edited by Harly on 19-12-2011 11:20,
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Thanks so much Harly! Yes I did use your guide for upgrade from 7.00.5 to 7.00.7 and it is great and that upgrade worked well. I guess since the upgrade to 7.1 failed I got worried.

Still not sure on wat to do with all those db upgrade.txt files, and
my site has the whole root in 3 places, not sure why as was inherited from previous owners in march. I will do it to the first root, seems to be the main one...my hosts gameservers suggested only the public htlm root needs editing but I dont think that is correct.

Thanks for your reply I appreciate your time. Along with all the posts I have read over the past week I feel better prepared to tackle this again.

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Harly 10
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Did you also read the Version Upgrade Guide that I've made? especially 'Step 1' in 'The upgrade itself - step by step'?
And Before that (scroll up from there), there's an illustration of how the root of you site looks like in the 1.4 part of the back-up instructions (before getting to the upgrade itself, as mentioned above): illustration '*e'
And did you remember to upload the new updated locale's together with the upgrade.php, which you place in the 'administration' folder in the root of your site, before doing the database upgrade? And when that's completed, you upload the rest of the files and folders from the upgrade package, and not before the database upgrade is completed. Did you do it like that?

1. It should say: the 'administration' folder, not the 'admin' folder.
2. Yes thats correct! Just upload and overwrite the hole 'locale' folder itself, that's the easiest way to do it.
3. The MySQL database is the one being upgraded with the data from the upgrade.php file, as far as I understand it, adding the new, and/or rewritten, tables there!
4. Yes - after uploading and overwriting the 'locale' folder, and placing the upgrade.php in the administration folder, as descriped above!
Follow the instructions, from the upgrade part of your site, untill it says: 'Database upgrade complete'. In some cases, further steps are needed to make, along with the completion of the database itself, like in the 7.02.04 (you can upgrade directly from v. 7.01.06 to 7.02.04).
5. Yes, upload and overwrite all files and folders from the upgrade package, except the files: '_config.php' and 'setup.php', if they are a part of, for example, a 'Full package' like 7.02.04.

Hope that will help you upgrading your site. :)
Edited by Harly on 18-12-2011 15:05,
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I dont want to be a bother, just want some simple advice to help me. I have read many posts on this forum but nothing that really helps me. My main issue is the readme keeps saying 'to the root' of site I assume to corresponding folders in the root directory. not the same folders in the ftp_htlm and www. directories.

I know to back up on the site as well as ftp the files from the server, then..

Main questions:

1. Before going to upgrade in admin on site I upload the upgrade php to the admin folder, my site has three: one at root, one at public_htlm and one at /www. I assume it goes to the root admin folder?

2. the locale files in the upgrade package overwrite any files of the same name in the locale folder and add any new ones?

3. Since the db will need to be upgraded all the db upgrade.txt files go to db_upgrade folder?

4. then press upgrade in admin sect on site and follow instructions?

5. then overwrite all files of various folders in package to their corresponding folders overwriting any of same name adding any new files to said folders.

Could someone please let me know if I am on the correct track to complete the upgrade?

I really appreciate any advice given. I just want to be sure that I understand the processes before attempting this upgrade again.

Edited by jemstar on 18-12-2011 12:10,
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haha now i guess they are not for uploading..but each tells of edits I need to make...right?

lol if so the readme coulda said..hehe btw if so alot of editing.

im stupid but learning hehe
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oke uploaded saved db and set config to it and website is working fine !! So how do I upgrade without killing the db?

Im still keen to hav the lastest version, but followed the instructions and would appreciate advice on how to do it correctly.

version is now v7.00.7

Since it seems to be a db issue how/where do I load all those db_updates? I put them in that folder db_updates lol

All advice is appreciated.

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I just noticed that although I uploaded the files to the public_htlm folder/directory (as suggested by hosts gameservers) the main /home/server files are still the corrupt versions/failed files. Should I copy all the saved files to this directory overwritting the changes? Thus hopefully restoring the website??

Thanks again,
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