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Easier BBCode Sorting

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I have searched the forums trying to find an easier way to sort BB-Codes. A drag and drop feature like is available for Panels admin would be very nice for sites that have a lot of BB-Codes enabled and need to re-order them. Is something like this available and I am just overlooking it or are there any plans to develop something like this?
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Chan 0
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I agree.
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Falk 146
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I know you do, and so do I. I was primarily referring to the closed site as a reference.
But we are and we try to keep a good eye on things here on main.
Again, I do encourage everyone with good ideas to always use the Roadmap. It will make it very easy to track, for each item submitted to the Roadmap a discussion thread will also automatically be created.
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Chan 0
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Np Domi, I always check all threads on the latest-active-forum-threads daily. But if roadmap is suspected missing, please rebuild them at roadmap please. Anyone can do it. I always review with great and careful consideration I promise.

Well, on point here. I can answer. I am working to take away the whole BBcode ordering at all. The reason BBcode ordering was needed was because of !autolink bbcode I assumed.

Says !autolink usage on 7's admin cp:


This bbcode has no button. MUST be above URL and Mail bbcode.

If I change the way this works, then we can remove entirely the BBcode ordering? I'm preferring the BBcode to link with ScEditor (parse-as-you-type) kind.. like you know Skype when you type ;) it becomes a smiley. So same as [b ], [u ] which after you type that becomes bold and underline on the next letter you type until you close it down. with [/u ] , [/b ].

Hence, I turned to the infuse_bbcode and defuse_bbcode with a one click button to insert row/remove row -> DB_BBCODES. Therefore more of that is like this (screenshot)

If any question. I will answer as best as I could (if I know how.. lol)

We have a table sorter API on 8, which is done like this

$bullet = load_tablesorter('table-id');
// now place the bullet to the table.
echo "<table id='table-id' class='$bullet'>\n";

It will have a up/down arrow to each table column you click it auto sorts. Very simple one. If you want it, its downright easy - no worry there. (I'll add it to BBcode table).
Edited by Chan on 08-02-2014 18:03,
Chan attached the following file:
editor_2.png [No information available / 47 Downloads]
editor_1.png [No information available / 38 Downloads]
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Falk 146
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Forum discussions is one thing, we can´t be expected to read and take in and consider each and every post. esp not from that site where many things where wide spread.

But if you have good ideas that affects the system, please post em to the Roadmap http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions/roadmap/submit.php
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Thanks Jib. I will look at those files and see if I can figure it out. I am still learning PHP, am still in the beginner stages, but I will try it!
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Craig 14
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It was added to the Roadmap on the old site at but since that site is no longer in commission i guess that was removed. ;)

Take a look and see, you need to edit administation/bbcodes.php and look at administration/panels.php and panels updater file should help, or Site Links admin. Should not be a hard job to do.
Edited by N/A on 08-02-2014 13:09,
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KasteR 10
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I believe there were discussions about this in the dev forum for v8. Perhaps hein can respond when he gets a chance. Although it is a good idea.
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Falk 146
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