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SITEAPPS PHPFusion Integration

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I see a feature called SITEAPPS (www.siteapps.com) in my cPanel. Basically what it does is help you market your site to social networks, creates mobile versions of your site, etc, but the code has to be added to every page of your website. It seems like a very nice tool! They have integrations for some CMS'es like Joomla and Wordpress. I contacted them a few days ago to see if there were any plans to add integration for PHPFusion but haven't received a response yet. This could definitely be a very positive addition for all PHPFusion sites. Does anyone out there have any plans to develop an integration for PHPFusion and SITEAPPS?
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Chan 0
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With Site Apps we do not have any plans yet, but if you can get them to respond we will see how it goes. Along this, we also need to consider our licensing compatibility with theirs should development starts. However, we are already drafting possibilities to go mobile with our own Android and IOS, which is separated from version 7 or 8.

Php-Fusion is a standalone on its own. We can bridge out to work with them, but the main difference is whatever product released out of our dev is ours (copyright php fusion) while for other CMS like Joomla or Drupal it's disputable. We therefore protect our developers more than other CMS does. We rolled out Epal recently to address our developers copyright. However Epal is issued, not purchasable.
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Chan 0
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