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function add_to_head how work?

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Hello i have question about that script. For one my project i don't use any CMS solution for all other i use php-fusion and i use very offten add_to_head for my meta tags and seo stuff.
I find that function in output_themes.... but i don't know how it works? How function in PHP take content and place on top of php page.. This is confused for me becouse in php is like timeline executed code lines.

How can i copy that function to my website?
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Yes! That is that direction! Now i know what i need to search. Thank you very much!
ob_start() is track for solution.
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My PHP-Fusion site: https://skpacman.live
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As far as I can tell, with my limited knowledge:

in output_handling_include.php, the code is first passed to:
function add_to_head($tag=""){
   global $fusion_page_head_tags;
   if(!stristr($fusion_page_head_tags, $tag)){
      $fusion_page_head_tags .= $tag."\n";

Where it's forced into the $output by:
function handle_output($output){
   global $fusion_page_head_tags ,$fusion_page_footer_tags, $fusion_page_title, $fusion_page_meta, $fusion_page_replacements, $fusion_output_handlers, $settings;

      $output = preg_replace("#</body>#", $fusion_page_footer_tags."</body>", $output, 1);
      $output = preg_replace("#</head>#", $fusion_page_head_tags."</head>", $output, 1);
   if($fusion_page_title != $settings['sitename']){
      $output = preg_replace("#<title>.*</title>#i", "<title>".$fusion_page_title."</title>", $output, 1);
      foreach($fusion_page_meta as $name => $content){
         $output = preg_replace("#<meta (http-equiv|name)='$name' content='.*' />#i", "<meta \\1='".$name."' content='".$content."' />", $output, 1);
   return $output;
Notice the "$fusion_page_head_tags" being returned to $output in there?

Then, in the header.php, it sets up the rest of the header and starts the content of the page with ob_start(), basically making the output of the page an object.

In footer.php, it closes the object, takes its output, combines it with the rest of $output, then returns the whole thing to the browser.

The preg_replace stuff in handle_output() is where the magic happens.

I don't know how you would implement this in your own code outside of php-fusion, but at least it helps to (mostly) know how php-fusion does it.
Edited by skpacman on 23-01-2015 21:34,
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My PHP-Fusion site: https://skpacman.live
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