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PHP errors

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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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So here is an issue that I am having with errors. The top part, is always the same, never changes.

The bottom part is what changes. Can be Post New, View Thread, New Thread and so on.

All are under core_functions_include.php

At times it even references Themes

Got any ideas to what is happening.

function parse_textarea(string $value, $parse_smileys = TRUE, $parse_bbcode = TRUE, $decode = TRUE, $default_image_folder = IMAGES, $add_line_breaks = FALSE, $descript = TRUE) {

Line 700 -- 1 hour ago

Argument 1 passed to parse_textarea() must be an instance of string, string given, called in /home/lyuf1ryd8tfq/public_html/infusions/forum/classes/forum/forum.php on line 171 and defined
Edited by Falk on 26-07-2020 22:22,
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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Fixed it. Switched from 5.6 to 7.4. Errors don't show anymore. Thanks
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What's your php version? For v9 is minimum PHP 7.0 and newer.
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