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unactivated user, exists? invisible?

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Just installed v6.00.305.
The first user I tried to register, didn't result in a mail being sent to him.
Then, I've set smtp settings right. Now mailing to user works.
But, that first user doesn't show up! not in the user member list.
If I want to register that user again, I get an error that that user already exists.
But, I can add the same user name, through the admin panel!!!!
Then, I deleted that user again, through the admin panel.
I then tried to register that user again, and I got the error again that the user already exists....
But, WHERE??? I can't find it!!
Of course I can go look in the db files, but, I guess it has to show up somewhere...
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Joe Kriz
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The unactivated users will not show up in the users or members list.

You can go to the database and look under "fusion_new_users"
You can download the "Unactivated Users" panel and view them directly from your website under admin.
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