Hi, you can vote for catpictures on www.catvote.eu. This is a bulk stochastic random never ending beauty contest for your cat pictures, together with a forum (in german) for people who like cats and animals and photography of them. The voting functions is selfexplaining and should be international. The language of the forum is german.
The site is soft modded and has named links instead of id-based, custom upload functions for URL- or Filebased uploads, warning if inbox our outbox is full, modded profile-page with usage of extended uservariables, a modded comment-function where the comment is based on the content (cat= of a side instead of the pagenumber itself, e-Card function to send pictures to friends and a lot more features.
Screen res of 1024x768 is not enough for this site. Cat images have 800x600 and the side-panels need more. I do not like to scale images to lower size so users with this res must scroll, sorry for that, but 800 pix is the minimum for the quality of the images. Another site has 1000 pixels.