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Send verification email not working

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Ok so Im kind of new to PHPFusion I have my site setup and everything, one problem so far is that when sombody tries to register their email never comes in, i tried sending my self my own password and it never came ive been trying to fix it but I cant so if anyone could please help me with this i would apreciate it very much...thanks
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I've also got this same problem. I know my host filters outgoing mail to make sure it's not bulk mailing but apart from that I don't understand why Script-generated emails are not arriving

Anyone have any ideas?
Edited by kasperjay on 14-04-2006 22:35,
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Roald 10
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I had that problem with most board I have had. Have not started to use PHPFusion yet since I'm "cleaning it" a bit up first.

What happend with my other board was most often that the mail went into the "spam" box instead of the inbox. Don't know if that is the case here, but worth checking I guess.
Edited by Roald on 16-04-2006 18:41,
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Craig 14
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When I send E Mails from my Fusion site all Mails also go in the Bulk or Spam folder to what can we do to stop that?
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Two suggestions:-

1. As already suggested it may be being caught in your registrant's SPAM filter. If they're using Outlook you can add an email address or domain to a "Safe Senders' List" or some such description. Other mail systems should have a similar facility, sometimes called a "White List" (cf a "Black List" of barred addresses).

2. Some web hosts, including mine, Fasthosts, have built in anti-spam blocking systems which can impact the Sendmail routine used by PHPFusion. I modified Sendmail.php as follows:

The new line is:
ini_set("sendmail_from"," root@mydomain.co.uk "wink;

where mydomain.co.uk is the name of your domain...

| PHPFusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2005 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org
if (!defined("IN_FUSION"wink) { header("Location:../index.php"wink; exit; }

/* sendemail parameters
$to_name - recipient's name
$to_email - recipient's email address
$from_name - sender's name
$from_email - sender's email address
$subject - e-mail subject
$message - e-mail body
$type - plain or html (must be specified if $cc or $bcc is set)
$cc - carbon copy recipients (must be specified if $bcc is set)
$bcc - blind carbon copy recipients
ini_set("sendmail_from"," root@mydomain.co.uk "wink;
function sendemail($to_name,$to_email,$from_name,$from_email,$subject,$message,$type="plain",$cc="",$bcc=""wink {

global $settings,$locale;

... rest of standard sendmail.php file

Hope this helps.
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