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Alrighty, I've bought acouple of servers and a nices connection.

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Will Midgett
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Yep, and in the process of getting an office in Dunn, NC.
But, still ... I need some coders/themers please.

And please show me your work!

I'll pay abunch of good money on a PHP-FUSION web-site.

Company Name: "DeMenkey(tm) Inc." (The "(tm)" must be the small trademark symbol.)

Theme Colors: Doesn't matter, must look sharp!

Logo: Must transfar this image (without the banner, possabilty the flames?) into a cartoonish logo.

This will be for a web-hosting company.

I will also require the theme to look nothing like php-fusion or aportal at that.

I also am gonna buy cPanel, and abunch of other scripts and would like them programmed into php-fusion so you will operate my entire site out of fusion.

I am also interested in taking out fusion forum and inplace put vB and 'internetwork thus with fusion also.

Please somebody gimmie aquote or something. Thanks.
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Will Midgett
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Oh yeah, I'll also be hiring people to work for me online and instore.

For the online, I will ask for full-time webmaster's/designers, and people to find data/info and writers. Will get one monthly flat rate pay for online works, and must have atleast their qouta met before pay is released over paypals or deposted into their bankaccount.
Other jobs might come up?! contact me at what ya wanna do! :-D
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Hi there,

I have a lot quite a bit of experience with Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP etc. I am not a designer, but can sort out the background stuff.

Why buy a product like cPanel? There are heaps of GNU products around that do the same thing, and are more flexible

I'm keen to help out if you’re interested.

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Quartzkyte, admin @ French N.S.S.
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Seems to me :
a rightful thing would be to make an offer to the owners of the house : Digitanium (Nick) for codes and Shedrock for Themes, if I'm not mistaken.

They do not charge us for the codes and for this support, so if there is any work/money involved they should be first on line to get the offers ?
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brizie 10
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Quartzkyte wrote:
Seems to me :
a rightful thing would be to make an offer to the owners of the house : Digitanium (Nick) for codes and Shedrock for Themes, if I'm not mistaken.

They do not charge us for the codes and for this support, so if there is any work/money involved they should be first on line to get the offers ?

that would seem fair.
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Will Midgett
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God. Ok, I think Quartzkyte and Brizie ... Ya'll most be new eh?

I've already made a deal with Digi to donate acouple hundard dollars per php-fusion that I use, and Shedrock, well he's never got time. (Infact, I need your aim s/n again mate)

Well, he's got good themes, and I remember his first design, but I want a site that won't even look like aportal anymore. It'll be an entirely newly designed theme.

The reason, I'm using cPanel, is that I'm putting a bunch of money into this company and want all top dollar things for it. Unless I can find one that prove to me it's better, than I'll stick with cPanel.
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Quartzkyte, admin @ French N.S.S.
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DeMenkey wrote:
God. Ok, I think Quartzkyte and Brizie ... Ya'll most be new eh?

Sort of. 3 months.


DeMenkey wrote:
I've already made a deal with Digi to donate acouple hundard dollars per php-fusion that I use, and Shedrock, well he's never got time.

OK. Couldn't guess... :| But you'll acknowledge a legitimate answer...


DeMenkey wrote:
The reason, I'm using cPanel, is that I'm putting a bunch of money into this company and want all top dollar things for it. Unless I can find one that prove to me it's better, than I'll stick with cPanel.

Your money, you pick the right thing for you :)
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kejonn 10
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DeMenkey wrote:

...but I want a site that won't even look like aportal anymore. It'll be an entirely newly designed theme.

Don't get me wrong, I love Fusion. I use it for my site with a modified version of the "Greeny" theme by Matonor. I like the theme because it doesn't have the borders all around that seem to define the "default" look of Fusion. But if you're desiring a look that is "un-portal" like, perhaps you need to rethink the use of Fusion.

Sure, I've seen a few out there that make their Fusion sites look more "bloggish" (they basically remove one of the sides, play with the width, and go with a two-column setup) but I've yet to see one I'd say "Hey, they're using PHPFusion?" Maybe someone can point one out to me.

If you want something less portal like, but want to stick with a CMS type package, check out some others. I wish I could remember the name of the one I encountered not too long back that was supposed to be VERY customizable (in fact so much so that some where complaining 'cause it was not "ready to go" right away, like Fusion is).

I like the look of my site, with the functionality and ease of Fusion. I'm in the middle of wrapping up an event calendar infusion based on Active Calender and I'm almost certain it would have taken me much longer to code using another CMS as a base. Basically, I use the necessary "require once" lines for the left, right, footer, etc. panels, put my code in, change a few lines of CSS, and WALAH! I have something that looks like it belongs with the rest of the site (IMO).

But how much work would it take to get a Fusion site to appear, well, less like a Fusion site? Who knows. I do like Shedrock's themes (almost used a recolored Belmont for my site, still may change in the future). But, in the end, how much core code would you have to "break" to do it. Modding the core is always a hassle because it makes updates more tedious.

All of the above is just MO. Your mileage may vary.
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Will Midgett
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Okay, here's what I'm talkign about ... Not THIS design, but a custom one sorta like this "infused" into fusion.


It doesn't really look like a portal/CMS based web-site, however the data can be edited easliy using the ADMIN control panel.
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Will Midgett
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BTW, I will put down a depost on the first to the third of this coming month (May) to the designer/coder of the person who takes my project. Than once the site starts getting in stages you will receive payment. It's alarge project, and I don't mind paying up to 500 bucks amonth for this to get started/finished. There will be abunch of work included but the results will be fantastic.

BUT, see the onyl problem is that I need it started ASAP! I've got a host and the entire nine yards already to get started.
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By Demons Be Driven
RIP "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott
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You're being very vague in terms of what type of other work you'r elooking to have done. Sure, I'd love to make a lot of money designing and building your site. But, you'll have to give me more details before I formally decide to take on a serious bidding process... Any I'm not particularly top-level guy at either themein or coding!!! LOL... Basically, how much DB work will be involved? Clearly you're more concerned with placement of your content (is this what you mean by non-portal looking?)...

If you wish to answer any of those questions, I am not proposing to take on the job, but know someone who likely would.

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Will Midgett
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Is there anyway that you could Instant Message me on AIM so we can go more indepth about this?

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Will Midgett
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By Demons Be Driven
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