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How can Members submit a photo?

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Hello all,

I downloaded and installed ver 6.00.207 2 days ago. The first time I have used this system. After doing the install there was initially no link in the navigation panel to submit a photo. Just the News, Link and Article submit which are all working fine. I then added the option for the submit photo and after doing this it has not worked. I'm not sure if there is another step I'm missing but I have checked all the admin settings. I came across this system on the opensourcecms website which gives you the option to trial it out. When doing this and clicking on submit photo, it says there are no categorys defined. On my site I dont even receive this ... when I click on the link it goes back to the home page?

currently the link is set to


Hoping someone can help.


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You have the wrong version and must update. See answer to earlier questions on the mods site.
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AmyLee 10
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you have to upload and update your php-fusion files to 6.01.X ...
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Webbooo, please, could you tell me what made you download that version instead of the latest version? Did something confuse you, that we should address?
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Jock 10
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Aquarian wrote:
Webbooo, please, could you tell me what made you download that version instead of the latest version? Did something confuse you, that we should address?
Don't know why you all jump on someone who installed old version and not answer his question? Admit new version infusions are not near in number like old versions so people are choose to install old version. Not to mention that users must be almost every day on PHP Fusion main site to watch new updates, critical updates and etc for new version?
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1. You miss the point. In my reply I clearly pointed out why he could not let members submit photos. The feature is simply not available in the used version. What you cannot see here is that the same question was put in another forum. (I did not even scald the poster for cross-posting!) It was answered there more elaborately and all to the full satisfaction of the user HERE.
2. The last update was almost three weeks ago, so 'nearly every day' is exagerating a 'little'.
3. The question was put so that the people involved with the management of PHPFusion can get an idea why this version was downloaded rather than the most recent version. Maybe the download was conscious (availability of infusions) maybe it was 'just the latest available version' from where it was downoaded. If the latter is the case, then some site was not updated fully and that should be addressed.
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Jock 10
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muscapaul wrote:
1. You miss the point. In my reply I clearly pointed out why he could not let members submit photos. The feature is simply not available in the used version. What you cannot see here is that the same question was put in another forum. (I did not even scald the poster for cross-posting!) It was answered there more elaborately and all to the full satisfaction of the user HERE.
2. The last update was almost three weeks ago, so 'nearly every day' is exagerating a 'little'.
3. The question was put so that the people involved with the management of PHPFusion can get an idea why this version was downloaded rather than the most recent version. Maybe the download was conscious (availability of infusions) maybe it was 'just the latest available version' from where it was downoaded. If the latter is the case, then some site was not updated fully and that should be addressed.
I think that I quoted someone else not you. Anywhere 6.01 I don't think it is update, it is new script. Update will be if you run update file and you are able to use the same old infusions. But it was not happiend with newest version. With new version you must install everything new so technically speaking it was NEW SCRIPT not update. Old versions don't have any support here more, so it is something like you have BMW old 1 year and you cannot buy parts for him, becouase just few weeks ago they have a newest model.

So which guaranties users have that new version of the PHP Fusion will not be again new script like last one, not update for for example few month? Maybe that is a reason why users here downloaded older version and not new PHP Fusion script?
Edited by Jock on 17-07-2006 18:01,
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WEC 10
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I think that sometimes people just grab a download from the "Popular Downloads" panel in the right column.

Might be a popular download by number, but almost never the latest version.

Suggest that the latest version is included in the "Popular Downloads" panel by default to avoid confusion or maybe have an entire new panel close by stating "Lates Version Downloads".

Same goes with the PHPFusion handbook. How many ends up with the 6.00.2 handbook because it's listed in "Popular Downloads"?
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Quartzkyte, admin @ French N.S.S.
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Good point, WEC_Admin!
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Jock, wrong, a lot of stuff is backward compatible. Web applications are constantly evolving, always being updated, you as a webmaster must be prepared to make the effort to keep up to date. Or would you rather we just stop developing all together? This is what really winds me, folks complain about a lacking feature, we add the ones we feel are worthy and yet, folks complain about having to update! God, come on!
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Jock wrote:


Aquarian wrote:
Webbooo, please, could you tell me what made you download that version instead of the latest version? Did something confuse you, that we should address?
Don't know why you all jump on someone who installed old version and not answer his question?


Jock wrote:
I think that I quoted someone else not you.

You maybe quoted someone else but you addressed us all... And as Aquarian and I are on the same team, trying to improve things for all users here, I though I might just as well reply as her, especially as I had been inconatct with the original poster, too.

I think you are trying to make a point using an example that is not applicable. Compatibility of infusions and mods with different PHPFusion versions is an issue. We are trying to tackle that but, IMAO, the first responsibility for keeping mods/infusions compliant with different PHPFusion versions lies with the developers of the mods/infusions. From core development we can improve the situation by making sure that the developers have ample time to prepare for changes. The photogallery was one part that was developed quite recently and it difficult to prepare for that. But virtually all other files that people may have to work with are available from the CVS browser.
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kejonn 10
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Software and other similar technology is just like this. If you think of all the Windows applications out there that started way back in the era of DOS, you see that those that are still kicking are doing so because the developers made the necessary updates to be compatible. That is why when you go to a typical download site you get links for versions that work on 95, 98, 2000, XP, etc. Do you think Microsoft did that for you or the developers of those applications?

And on the example of a BMW, if you added something that was not installed by the dealer, try to go back to the dealership in a few days much less a year and see what types of warranties you've voided.
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Jock 10
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Digitanium wrote:
Jock, wrong, a lot of stuff is backward compatible. Web applications are constantly evolving, always being updated, you as a webmaster must be prepared to make the effort to keep up to date. Or would you rather we just stop developing all together? This is what really winds me, folks complain about a lacking feature, we add the ones we feel are worthy and yet, folks complain about having to update! God, come on!
Don't tell me that. I was not installed new script and will not until most of the infusions files are maded for new script, even if I decide to run all mods work over from bottom what I want, need, already have and what my members excpected from my site. Trouble for me is that I want a lot and I have a lot now, so my members will excpect least the same thing. How I understand most of the PHP Fusion users moded theirs script last version before 6.01. Even more used endless number of the infusions and endless numbers of the mods. Of course if we have all that in main files, than we will not infused extra. So on one way we were forces to made infusions and modes. Most of the PHP Fusion script was created by infusions. Big number of that users even moded infusions. It is common thing for PHP Fusion users to mode infusions. And after all that we have new main script which was not compatible with infusions maded for how I know last version before 6.01? Now if some PHP Fusion script user have least for example 50 members and for example 100 threads in forum on his site, what you think what he will do? Take risk and try to update something what is not updateable when he must change for example all forum files (how I was read in manual), change gallery and change all files except his users data in database even on some data he must work like for example for gallery, and what is more important he must turn off almost all old infusions becouase it will not work properly on new main script, and most of those new infusion don't exist for new version?

Don't get me wrong, I am able to imagine how much work is behind you and other guys, becouase I for example used huge amount of the time just to mode or infused your work, but trouble is that a lot of the other who moded PHP Fusion must start work on mods from bottom or run site which is not safe and if they have a lot of the users which visit his site than he is in trouble. What if all that don't work like it must? What if he moded PHP Fusion so much that he need month or more to made that for new fusion script and if he have a users they will excpect better or least same thing on new ? What if you guys decide to made again script from bottom in december for example becouase of the safety issue?

So maybe that is also reason why many don't run new script.
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kejonn 10
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Well, this thread started out:


I downloaded and installed ver 6.00.207 2 days ago. The first time I have used this system.

And now you say:


So maybe that is also reason why many don't run new script.

What you say makes sense but does not apply here. This person installed an old version, mod and infusion free for the first time and wanted to have one of the functions of the new version, plain and simple.

Go to any other CMS and look around their forums and/or FAQ. You'll find they all have the same philosophy: we give you the framework, you add the extras. If you mod core files, its up to you to update them. It doesn't matter if we're talking Joomla, Xoops, Nuke, whatever. They all pretty much tell you you're on your own when it comes to add-ons or mods.

Why do you think that PC gaming is slowly dying while consoles are beginning to rule? For one, the developers are tired of keeping up with every sound and video card on the market and making sure their game works with them. With a console, you have all standard parts so that issue is not an issue. Therefore the makers can focus on fun and content, not chasing down incompatibilities.

Could you imagine how much work Digi and the gang would have to do to make sure that each new release would ensure that all previous mods would work as before? Infusions are easier but this could NEVER work with mods. So please be a little more understanding and put yourself in the shoes of the developers. If you did you might realize how unrealistic you are being.
Edited by kejonn on 17-07-2006 23:47,
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Jock 10
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kejonn wrote:
Well, this thread started out:

I downloaded and installed ver 6.00.207 2 days ago. The first time I have used this system.

And now you say:


So maybe that is also reason why many don't run new script.

[quote]What you say makes sense but does not apply here. This person installed an old version, mod and infusion free for the first time and wanted to have one of the functions of the new version, plain and simple.
Yes, member photo upload infusion exist for old version.


Go to any other CMS and look around their forums and/or FAQ. You'll find they all have the same philosophy: we give you the framework, you add the extras. If you mod core files, its up to you to update them. It doesn't matter if we're talking Joomla, Xoops, Nuke, whatever. They all pretty much tell you you're on your own when it comes to add-ons or mods.
No, I will not go on any other CMS becouase I don't have theirs script but PHP Fusion. First we must stop calling 6.01 like update. It is new script. We are able to call updates all way until 6.00.307. After that it was new script with new code and not update. Making that like ucompatible with old infusions are not good. I see you talking about me. I didn't had a troubles to update my script to the 307. After that it is another story. How I was read manual update is only for database not for the files. So first we must delete all infusions, upload all new script and all files in that new script, than we must save pics from photogallery and after that run some kind of the update. Without uploading new PHP Fusion script, update is nothing.


Could you imagine how much work Digi and the gang would have to do to make sure that each new release would ensure that all previous mods would work as before? Infusions are easier but this could NEVER work with mods. So please be a little more understanding and put yourself in the shoes of the developers. If you did you might realize how unrealistic you are being.
Of course that I am able to imagine how much they use time for that? Do you have a idea how much time I used to make forum on those script, how much time I used to make so many others things and after all I must drop all that in garbage becouase core file of that fusion is not safe? Do you have a idea how much time others beside crue, used times for endless number of the infusions or modificiation and with old version standards, to made all that? Now, everything go in garbage? After all what users of the PHPF have like guarantie for future? None, becouase nobody guarantie to them that tommorow PHP Fusion will run on 6.2 script which will not be compatible with older version, so again they are able to drop all theirs LONG work in garbage, like for example I did or I don't know how many others did.

That is reason why I will not run new version. New or old version without design and something more modificiations are poor, so if I am not able to made all that on one script I will drop also main engine.
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You could stay running the old versions but keep in mind that Digi's team are doing whatever it takes to ensure that this CMS is safe. And if you cared so much about your site, you would know that security should take precedence than anything else, including your mods and scripts.
Edited by chandler30 on 18-07-2006 15:35,
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Jock wrote:


kejonn wrote:
What you say makes sense but does not apply here. This person installed an old version, mod and infusion free for the first time and wanted to have one of the functions of the new version, plain and simple.
Yes, member photo upload infusion exist for old version.

And that I why I meant you are making a point when an example is not applicable. Submitting a photo for inclusion is entirely different from the Member Photo Upload function. In the latter case you entrust members to upload photos all by themselves, without you intervening. I expect it will take some time still before it will be decided to make that part of the PHPFusion core. Similarly, we do not have file upload capabilities for ordinary members, just like members cannot post news, articles, etc. without admin approval. All these are regulated by admins, as are photo submissions.

I expect that will be that last I have to say here. ;)
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