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Version Management Server is Online!

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Version: 2.5.0 GM

We are proud to open up our Version Management Server to the public and for everyone to use, currently in an early BETA version. Not everything is feature completed and there are still some bugs to fix. This has been one of our best kept secrets and only some people have knowledge about the inside of the system.

What is it?
The Version Management lets you push version updates directly to your users, telling them about security updates and new features. Whenever a new version gets awailable all your users will be notifyed about the update and get a direct link to the download.

Why are we making this?
We are making the Version Management so your users can stay up to date with the lates and greates version of your software. It is all about the security and usabillity. Your users shouldn't need to go and look for the updates, you should send them the updates directly. That is what this is all about!

[size=16]Continue to Starefossen Version Updater[/size]

We started developing the Version Updater software along with the FaceFusion system, which I think you are already familiar with. It was never supposed to be two separate things systems as this should only be used to update the FaceFusion System. After making both things together things started to be a bit messy as both systems kept on growing. We separated them and found out that they would work good as stand alone systems and we could use the Version Updater System for other projects too.

The Version Updater Systems lets you create your project in our database and notify your users automatically when a new version becomes available and is ready for download.

We have been using the system both internally and externally and we are really happy with the result as it seams like it is working very well and users seams to have no problem understanding how to download the updates.

How to get started
Go to http://version.starefossen.com and take get started. It is free and awailable from today!
Edited by starefossen on 31-01-2009 13:45,
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Interesting.. And a good idea I must add.
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Thanks for kind words Googlebot :)

I have been away for some time, real life need some atention too once in a while. I will be updating the Version Server Soon and ad lots of more stuff to the site for public use, so stay tuned.

If anyone have any questions I ill answer them as good as I can here :)
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Too bad I can't use this (yet)... :P
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iunruh 10
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This is used in fusionBoard 4, it's very useful :D
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New theme is up and working :D

I have been experimenting with JQuery for some time too and you can see some of it at the front page.

The next version of the Version Server will hopefully be ready within the week, with lost of new cool features so stay tuned :D
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Version: 1.5.0 BETA

[size=16]Version Updater 1.5.0[/size]
I am plesed to announce that our newt version of our Version Updater software is soon ready. This new version introduces a number of stabillity fixes and improovements. We have been listening to what users have suggested and we have tried to do our best when making the new version.

[size=16]Here are some of the new key features:[/size]
-Improved Project Creation and Setup
-More Project Options
-Improved Project Management
-Improved Version Management
--Delete Versions
--Edit Versions
-Project Promote
--Lets you display all your projects and latest versions
-Project Statistics (not finished)
--Statistics for all your projects
--Statistics for a single project

Stability and behind the scene fixes have been our first fri when making the new versions, so several features are not shown and will not be noticed by any users.
Edited by starefossen on 25-08-2008 21:36,
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— 5 months later —
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Version: 2.5.0 GM

[size=16]Version Updater 2.5.0[/size]
We are pushing this software further and we are to day announcing our 4th major update of the Version Upater. We have been rewriting a lot of the core code to ensure a secure and user friendly way to update your projects, and we are very happy with the result.

[size=16]Here are some of the new key features:[/size]
[ulist=disc]Brand new Version Checker which uses JavaScript to check for new versions!
A Version Checker Configurer has also been made which eables you to instantly configure the Version Checker to work with your project
New statistics page fully featured with graphs and other statistics.
When someone download updates from your prpjects they will now see a list of other projects you have made and how they can download them.
Project Colaboration; if you are several persons working on a project you can add them as collaborators and they will be able to manage the project as well, adding new version updats.
New and much easier way to create projects[/ulist]


[size=16]Start using the Version Updater for your project today![/size]
Edited by starefossen on 31-01-2009 14:54,
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