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Maxx Forum, inspiration and something else for Kid "Fusionboard"!

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Jock 10
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Well, I just wrote on my site, I will not aloud that people rip off my site. So anyone who I see that doing this kind of the stuff, will get ban on my site, plus I will take further actions.



Also I don't know is it smart for PHP Fusion community to support those kind of the people and sites here if they want to respect copyright and licenses.

Before I saw that kid from "Fusion Board" had inspiration on my site, so I changed totaly design of the my forum, now, he did it again. Last time I didn't have a prove, now I have.

For those who do not belive I will just say.

Maxx Forum color of the what ever table is #e1e1e1, just saw kid did with his forum almost identical thing and color of his forum table what ever is #e2e2e2, also image behind logo box on kid forum is stolen from Maxx Forum and just changed a litle bit.

So he gets banned on Maxx Theme site, before him also one person get banned which even didn't changed id name from code which was stolen from our site. In future I will take even further messures. Legal actions are not excluded.

I already said before I changed my forum look totaly becouase I saw that Maxx Forum was inspiration to kid and his board, especially for forum statistic, so I changed, after that I changed totaly design of the my forum an said that if I saw one more time that kid stole something from my site, that I will take drastic messures. Kid is it time for drastic messures, what I promised to you?

Just to warn you, if you don't remove my stuff from your forum "yesterday", first mod in my download section will be subforums, just them like separate mod, and after them other will follow until you start to be reasonable.

Edited by Jock on 16-08-2008 11:32,
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You can hardly claim any copyright on HTML-code. As for the graphic image you claim he has changed, please send your original and his supposedly altered image to me at licensin@php-fusion.co.uk for compariison.

Not taking any side here, but I know that Fusion Board has been under development for quite a while and I think you need something more substantial than same colour code to brings such serious allegations on.
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Craig 14
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Fusionboard has been around for years I used V3 on my old V6 site. I do not see any copying going on with FB4 and Maxx, the problem I see here is bitter rivalry on Max's behalf. Go away Max and leave PHP-Invent alone.
Oh! and since when have you owned PHPFusion copyrights, do you know anything at all about GPL?
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nach Diktat spazierengegangen
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Hm, could be interesting what SoBeNoFear / InvisibleGeek have to say to this.
But anyway, lets not talk about wanna-be's and kiddies, lets talk about papa ExtBoard and grandpa Fusion 7 :P
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Jock 10
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KEFF wrote:
You can hardly claim any copyright on HTML-code. As for the graphic image you claim he has changed, please send your original and his supposedly altered image to me at licensin@php-fusion.co.uk for compariison.

Not taking any side here, but I know that Fusion Board has been under development for quite a while and I think you need something more substantial than same colour code to brings such serious allegations on.
Waooo, what a story? This is not that same KEEF who talk about others people rip off PHP Fusion code and he was talking how that is not fair that sumatoy took "his" code? Everything what I need to prove, I was proved on my site in this thread. I don't need to be private detective and you are not judge. So I was wrote everything about that in this thread.


Don't need to go further. Also other tbl color is almost the same like mine. If you looking his tables inside forum, it is same colors like mine. Numbers are not similar, but near one to other. So technicaly, they are different, visually they are the same.

So I was excepcting least from you understanding, but it seems you don't have a problems until someone don't took your code, and it is oposite with you, you even support those kind of wrong doings, just not with "your" code?

Sure I can claim copyright on anything if I was created that.

I think here is same case like PHP Fusion vs sumatoy. Prove to me that sumatoy took your code? You are not able to do that, but you know it is PHP Fusion code, and you are saying that. I supported that.

Of course by law, colors #e1e1e1 and #e2e2e2 of the same tables are not the same, but visualy they are the same, ours eyes cannot see difference. Also my image and his logo box background image are not the same, becouase he cut off my image in two peaces, and just turn one piece around and connected with other piece. By law they are not the same, but his logo box background image was from site.

So now I must be private detective? No, you are able to see that with one look on my forum and one look on his new forum theme, and sure if you want that people respect PHP Fusion copyright, than you need least in public to not support those wrong doings, and it seems you doing oposite. Continue, and tommorow he will publish his CMS like summatoy.
Edited by Jock on 16-08-2008 16:31,
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Talking about copyright Mr Jock.

Do you knwo who this image bellows to:

(see attached image)

And don't start tellin' me about you don't know what I'm talking about. Thats the logo for the Core Animation, invented by Apple Inc and introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Just check out your self here.

Just because you have managed to change the colour, does that mean you own the image than? Go and read the last post of yours and compear it with the abowe image!

Before you start taking too loud about others ripping you, you should take a look at yourself and see if there is more where this came from!
Edited by starefossen on 17-08-2008 11:57,
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Craig 14
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Them Images can be found in the logos for the FuseBlog theme for V7 check out fuzed themes.

Moderator Edit: No need to quote the above post!
Edited by starefossen on 16-08-2008 18:27,
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Jock wrote:
Maxx Forum color of the what ever table is #e1e1e1, just saw kid did with his forum almost identical thing and color of his forum table what ever is #e2e2e2, also image behind logo box on kid forum is stolen from Maxx Forum and just changed a litle bit.

What the crap?

Hey smart guy Jock, why don't you look at the default forum color for PHPFusion? Huh, what's that? e1e1e1 - that's right, FusionBoard uses the default color scheme for the forum. I remember the color distinctly when I was editing something pertaining to this exact situation on my site before I installed Fusion Board.

Sorry to be so rude, but you need to think a bit deeper than a default color showing 'copyright infringement'.
Edited by googlebot on 16-08-2008 18:44,
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Jock 10
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starefossen wrote:
Talking about copyright Mr Jock.

Do you knwo who this image bellows to:

And don't start tellin' me about you don't know what I'm talking about. Thats the logo for the Core Animation, invented by Apple Inc and introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Just check out your self.

Just because you have managed to change the colour, does that mean you own the image than? Go and read the last post of yours and compear it with the abowe image!

Before you start taking too loud about others ripping you, you should take a look at yourself and see if there is more where this came from!


View Thread: Future Maxx Forum Design
7 days ago 15:11 | Views: 57 | Replies: 0

Maxx Team

Future Maxx Forum Design
Well in the past we want to made something like vBulletin forum with different engine (PHP Fusion) behind.

I think we have success with this, so in the future, Maxx Forum design will be changed, and it will have as possible, unique design, own Maxx Forum design. So in general from today we will try to made something unique ...


Anywhere do you really think that I like that avatar on my site? I just choose him to test avatars. When I made folders I choosed them becouase they came first. I even don't like them.
Check date when I was wrote that to clear this for future, and I wrote excatly becouase of the posts like yours. Also before this was test site for me, now it is not, but not sure what is. Still search for solution.

I was wrote that text before seven days to clear things.

It is not about me. We don't talk here about, he took something from my site, and want to use for his personal needs on his site. No, he publish all that and he publish not just things from my site, but from others also, I will not mention others stuffs becouase that is not my problem.
Everything what I was ready to share with others is in my download section. I don't need him to offer people something for download. So before my goal with that site was "did I am able to made possible vbulletin replica just for testing", before few days it was changed to unique Maxx Forum design. So if you visited my site, you know that today look of that forum is not near the same like before seven days, for seven days it will not be the same like today.

When I put those folder images on my site, it was test site made JUST for my eyes. Like I said in quoted text before few days to clear things in advance just for posts like yours, all Maxx Forum design will be changed and unique. Just don't have a time to change all things at once. Before few days I changed a lot but not all.

Also I don't redistribute anything from that site what I was not created, and also I don't support those who will redistribute others people work or copyright.

And yes, I have also images which are not my copyright, you have them also, this site have them also, but this thing is not easy to made, and it takes time, so when you finish those site what you create now, send me files, I will be happy to put all that in my download section.

Google, sure that color is used all over the place, point is visual impression. Inside his forum tables this morning was almost identical thing like on my forum inside forum tables.

If I made theme visualy almost the same like Mathanor theme, just in colors change one level of the colors so #a1a1a1 I change into #a2a2a2, and publish that theme like my theme, and turn around Mathanors images, will that be fair and will this site support that?

Of course not. Technicaly colors will not be the same, images will not be the same, visually theme will be almost identical. So that guy register and visit on regular base my site for material and inspiration, not for something what I am able and want to share. Those stuffs what I offer for share, are not for those who will republish on theirs site those stuffs what I created. So I decided do that on that way, and that is it.

So we ae able to protect that wrong doings, we not discuss here about our material but someone else material, so we are able to be ignorants, and that guy is young now, so he have time to change his goals from some forums to some CMS, and if he want to have "tomorrow his Fusion CMS", will you support him on that, or you will not? I know answers.
Edited by Jock on 16-08-2008 21:12,
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Hey Jock, you keep saying how he's a little kid. And you believe you are much older, (implicitly) smarter and more knowledgable. And yet you tell him to go make his own CMS, instead of improving something like the forum on an existing one? Well if your so better educated, why don't you go make your own CMS from scratch, instead of being a hippocrit? And I know I'd support the maker of FusionBoard over you, and your 'intulectual superiority'.
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iunruh 10
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I honestly can't believe you are still arguing about this. I'm the kid? No, you are the kid for bringing this up.

fusionBoard4 uses the theme's default color scheme, as googlebot said. The only reason why I designed a new THEME was so I could try making a light-version of my UnitedNavy and UnitedGreen themes that were on php-Invent before I had even heard of Maxx forum.

And as for the features on your site, they are pretty much a direct copy of features seen in every major forum software on the planet. If I want to use them, I will.

EDIT: By the way, I can already get to your site again, my IP is dynamic (plus with there being thousands of proxies out there, it wouldn't matter anyway).

Banning, putting me on your "hall of the shame", and continually publicly accusing me of "stealing" your designs/code/"stuffs" are the most childish things you could do.
Edited by iunruh on 16-08-2008 22:23,
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This discussion goes no where. I urge you to do as Keff suggested at the very top of this thread and this will be dealt with through there.

Edited by starefossen on 16-08-2008 22:46,
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