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Notices: after upgrading

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After upgrading from 7.00.07 to 7.01.02, on the Infusions page from the link in System Admin, the page is returning some errors.

At the very top of the page:

Notice: Undefined index: sitename in /home/content/c/h/a/chaos/html/chaosprime/includes/output_handling_include.php on line 75
Line 75 contains: if($fusion_page_title != $settings['sitename']){

At the very bottom of the page:

Notice: Undefined index: cronjob_hour in /home/content/c/h/a/chaos/html/chaosprime/themes/templates/footer.php on line 29
Line 29 contains: if ($settings['cronjob_hour'] < (time()-360)) {

Notice: Undefined index: cronjob_day in /home/content/c/h/a/chaos/html/chaosprime/themes/templates/footer.php on line 37
Line 37 contains: if ($settings['cronjob_day'] < (time()-86400)) {

Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /home/content/c/h/a/chaos/html/chaosprime/themes/templates/footer.php on line 105
Line 105 contains: if ($settings['login_method'] == "sessions"wink {

This is the only page which shows these errors? Anyone know what got killed after the update to the newer version? I am not a scripter, nor a programmer, but it seems like this update didn't like something... ;p

If anyone knows what is up, and a possible solution, I am all ears.

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Very odd error indeed. Is the only page where you get the errors on administration/infusions.php?

From what I can think of there can only be two possible solutions.

1. For some reasons your administration/infusions.php page was not correctly updated. Please download the one I have attached in this thread and see if it solves any of your errors.

2. Some of your infusions in your infusions folder are causing the error. Try removing them all and see if error disappears. Try putting one back at a time and see if any trigers the error.
Edited by starefossen on 29-10-2010 09:02,
starefossen attached the following file:
7-01-02-infusions.zip [No information available / 0 Downloads]
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