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UserGroups Management (UGM)

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A while back I installed an infusion called User Group Management which allowed me to set up different groups and move members into the different groups that were set up. I was then able to send out private messages to everyone in any specific group. I just tried sending out an email to a group and found that it is no longer working. I am using version 7.02.03 and wonder if that is the problem. When trying to link to the author (Christian Zeller), I am taken to a page that is no longer active.

Can anyone help me with this? I have noticed on the forum posts that relate to user groups in the profile, but I don't believe that is what is being referenced. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Merged on Aug 21 2011 at 10:02:23:
OK, I have de-infused the UserGroup Management infusion and I am now dealing with the usergroups that have been added by me. Should i not be able to send PM's to the user groups of my choosing? If so it is not happening for me and I know that emails are being sent otherwise. Any ideas?
Edited by afoster on 21-08-2011 19:02,
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Craig 14
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Afoster, With PHPFusion you can send private messages to usergroups anyway. :S
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I thought that to be the case, however it is not working. I have checked the box next to "Send to All" where the Group name is located. When going to the Outbox, it is not even showing that a PM was sent.

NEVER MIND. Sending Private Messages is not going to work for me...I have uploaded an older version of Mail2All that with some minor modification works the way I want it. It takes advantage of the User Groups and is sending the emails out to the players in the user group individually.
Edited by afoster on 22-08-2011 04:24,
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would anyone happen to have the original download package for this infusion? I cannot find a working link anywhere...
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