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Criando themes personalizados para o PHPFusion

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Dear Friends:

I was thinking about starting to create my own themes.
Well I also thought it right to convert HTML templates for PHPFusion.
But how to begin to undertake such a task? Anybody have any tips to get started?

Was thinking of starting with this [url]http://www.freecssshowcase.com/free-css-templates/business/hosting/green-hosting-free-html-template/

Charles Correa
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Ankur 10
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overmix wrote:

Dear Friends:

I was thinking about starting to create my own themes.
Well I also thought it right to convert HTML templates for PHPFusion.

Yes. You can. There are some people in our community who convert the templates to PHPFusion for us. Even I've converted 1-2 templates.

The thing is that you have to work under the template conditions and Copyright. It may possible that the Author of template has provided a Linkback/Copyright in the template and have said that Copyright should not be removed, then you should keep it in your template too.

Also, if someone has released a template under some License, then it may possible that there needs to be put a Copy of that License in the Theme Download pack which you will make.

In the template which you gave above, the copyright I see as : Designed by STUDIO7DESIGNS Its free to convert !
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One Ankur:

That I was even thinking about leaving the copyright text at the bottom of the template.

But how to convert, some functions do not get calls in the themes that I have here to get my tests with this layout.
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Ankur 10
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Oops ! Please Change the Title of Thread. Only English is allowed. See Rules : http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/coc.php#8x


overmix wrote:

But how to convert, some functions do not get calls in the themes that I have here to get my tests with this layout.

Don't know. You may create another thread for that when you will be converting it ;)
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Mangee 10
Mangee's Conversions

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I converted their template Art Blog a year ago or so.

Just to get a theme its mainly just cut all there html and paste into a theme.php file. With the proper echo and ' here and there so it functions.

Then go thru all the default themes that are included with the core download of php-fusion.

Look for how they implement, example banners


Then look at your conversion and figure out how to implement it in that code.

Or say navigation, example fromGillette

".showsublinks(" ".THEME_BULLET." ", "white")."

Above can also be this

".showsublinks(" ")."

No one has done a line item by line item guide to build a conversion or build an original theme.

Just figure out if you want to do a table based or tableless conversion and use the default themes to give you the fusion functions, articles, news and panels.
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Mangee 10
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Ankur 10
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