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Revision for 7.02+ - Image display problem

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Harly 10
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I'm trying to solve a little problem I ran into, when updating the good old Revision theme to 7.02:
In the forum and in the downloads, the images floats to the left and only shows a part of the image too, with 1 or 2 scrollbars, depending on the images' shape and size.

I've looked in all the files, also the java-scripts, and I can not find out what's causing this.
I've got another narrow theme to compare with, Blu4U, and that theme has no problem showing the whole image in the forums and downloads.

Looking at the source-code, it mentions something about a max-width and max-height of 300px, which seems to fit the size of the reduced image displayed. But I can't find out where that's coming from.

If you got the time to look at it, here's the whole (not yet finished, but working fine on 7.02, except for the image-error, off course) theme:

- and attaching an image, showing the error in question...
Edited by Harly on 16-11-2013 03:27,
Harly attached the following file:
image-reduction_revision.png [No information available / 72 Downloads]
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I had this problem too and I managed to fix it by removing a script which was blocking the full load of the page. I used adf.ly script which I placed it in the footer_include.php , and that gave me the error. Try to remove some of your last modifications added to you website, and it will work.
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Harly 10
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foc_in_gaura wrote:

I had this problem too and I managed to fix it by removing a script which was blocking the full load of the page. I used adf.ly script which I placed it in the footer_include.php , and that gave me the error. Try to remove some of your last modifications added to you website, and it will work.

You did notice, that this only happens, with the theme called "Revison", and that it's not a general CMS-problem - that it does not happen when looking at the site with another theme, but only happens with the Theme, that I'm trying to update to 7.02: Revision!?

Because, I think you've misunderstood the problem I'm trying to descripe! ;)
Did you even look at the theme, I'm refering to?
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Based on what I said in my previous post, you should extract the essential, and try to replace/modify the associated javascript for this theme. This is almost always a javascript problem. I tried to help only, and I only used an example with a problem similar with yours. You should thank!
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Thank you. :D
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Harly 10
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Based on what I said in my previous post, you should extract the essential

"...extract the essential" :| I can't just guess what you think. But I did think about the javascript thing you mentioned, that you may be on the right track.


...and try to replace/modify the associated javascript for this theme. This is almost always a javascript problem.

Now, you're being specific - that's much better! ;)


I tried to help only, and I only used an example with a problem similar with yours. You should thank!

If you where actually helping, focusing on the theme-problem, checking out the theme in question, being specific, and actually coming up with a possible solution, I would have thanked you.
Now, you have helped me part of the way, by pinpointing the problem related to the theme, and for that effort, I thank you! B)

Like I mentioned in my first post about the theme-problem: "If you got the time to look at it..."
I don't know much about javascripts, only what they do, but not how they do, whatever they do, to put it like that. That is why I ask for help in this case!
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It's hard for me to be specific because my english is average. The images are not resizing because the page isn't fully loaded.
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Harly 10
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foc_in_gaura wrote:

It's hard for me to be specific because my english is average. The images are not resizing because the page isn't fully loaded.

I understand - that's offen, how misunderstandings happens, with the language-barriers! ;) And I could have been a little more diplomatic. Sorry, about that, foc_in_gaura!

But, as I wrote earlier, you brought me on the right track, and now I've solved the problem:
it was the old java-script for the clock, in the header, that was coursing the errors. I rewrote the header, and called showsubdate() instead, and now, it works just fine. The images now display in the forums and downloads like they should.

So: Thanks again, foc_in_gaura, for leading me in the right direction. :)
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