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Problem with redirects.

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Kaav 10
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I've lately a problem with sometimes when I press "Administration‎" it redirects me back to news.php for some reason. But it ONLY happens sometimes but offen enough to make it annoying. I have tried changing themes but with no result sadly.
Also if I go into "Error log" it sometimes returns with "Acces Denied".
Hopefully somebody knows what to do :)
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Falk 146
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If you do not tick the box Save Password, you will be automatically logged out after a certain amount of time.
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Kaav 10
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I'm not logged out. It just goes back to news.php.
If I'm in the administrator panel and presses F5 a few times, then it will go back to news.php after maybe five updates.
Edited by N/A on 13-04-2014 15:42,
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Chan 0
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$aidlink is still on URL ?

To stay in admin panel, you need 2 things, user level access rights and $aidlink.
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Kaav 10
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   if (iADMIN && (iUSER_RIGHTS != "" || iUSER_RIGHTS != "C")) {
      echo THEME_BULLET." <a href='".ADMIN."index.php".$aidlink."' class='side'><b>".$locale['global_123']."</b></a><br />\n";

I haven't changed any of it so that shouldn't be the problem. Only the

Merged on Apr 16 2014 at 01:48:36:
I'm kinda desperate what could cause this? Anybody please - Getting very annoying when I'm editting something and it just redirects me to /news.php when pressing preview.

Undefined index: sidedate_fmt Linje: 117   16 April 2014 03:02:49   

mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Linje: 268   16 April 2014 03:02:49   

Undefined index: sidedate_fmt Linje: 115   16 April 2014 03:02:49   

I've gotten these errors. Could this be the cause?
Edited by Kaav on 16-04-2014 03:07,
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Falk 146
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Yes that seems to be something that can cause it.
It is coming from an Addon, try to disable panels / addons one by one and see if you can narrow it down to a specific one that causes it.

The same method goes if you have system modifications. Restore default for each section until you find the problem.
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Kaav 10
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Domi wrote:

Yes that seems to be something that can cause it.
It is coming from an Addon, try to disable panels / addons one by one and see if you can narrow it down to a specific one that causes it.

The same method goes if you have system modifications. Restore default for each section until you find the problem.

I'll try that and return with my findings :)

Merged on Apr 16 2014 at 20:44:26:
I have now attempted replacing everything, and it still does the same thing. So now I really have no idea what to do now.
Just a question, could it have anything to do with having "æ" in the address? And of course if anybody have good idea what to do, please let me know.
Edited by Kaav on 16-04-2014 21:44,
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