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Can anyone help, I have little or no knowledge of php, I run a fusion website that was already installed so know basics when its running.

I booked a new domain and did an automatic install using Softaculous software, the install looks fine, but testing so far it refuses to allow picture uploads, a white screen comes up saying " Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt! ".
I am in process of checking everything else, but can anyone help with my problem ????
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Falk 146
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Please see this one : https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=32886&rowstart=40#post_187123
What you can try here is to download the code snippet ( Download source ) Save the file as mimetypes_include.php
replace the current mimetypes_include.php in the directory includes.
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— 1 month later —
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Hi Thanks for the reply...... I tried this but still wont work, in fact I have installed a second site and have same problem.... could it be a permissions thing that I have missed ????
Appreciate all the help I am receiving.
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Falk 146
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The MIME check tool try to ensure that your file type are of the correct type.
What you can do is to disable the function if you have a lot of files with issues.
open maincore.php

find and remove

// Checking file types of the uploaded file with known mime types list to prevent uploading unwanted files
if(isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) {
   require_once BASEDIR.'includes/mimetypes_include.php';
   $mime_types = mimeTypes();
   foreach($_FILES as $each) {
      if(isset($each['name']) && strlen($each['tmp_name'])) {
         $file_info = pathinfo($each['name']);
         $extension = $file_info['extension'];
         if(array_key_exists($extension, $mime_types)) {
            //An extension may have more than one mime type
            if(is_array($mime_types[$extension])) {
               //We should check each extension one by one
               $valid_mimetype = false;
               foreach($mime_types[$extension] as $each_mimetype) {
                  //If we have a match, we set the value to true and break the loop
                  if($each_mimetype==$each['type']) {
                     $valid_mimetype = true;

               if(!$valid_mimetype) {
                  die('Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt!');
            } else {
               if($mime_types[$extension]!=$each['type']) {
                  die('Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt!');
         } /*else { //Let's disable this for now
            //almost impossible with provided array, but we throw an error anyways
            die('Unknown file type');
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Sorry to be such a pain, as I have little or no knowledge of php, how do I go about doing this.
My Problem is if I or a member attempts to upload a file. All you get is a full white screen with the message in top left hand corner ( Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt! )
I am totally confused with all or any coding etc.
I do really appreciate the help you are trying to give but I am lost.
Sorry Colin
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— 10 months later —
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I searched and found several threads relating to the issue of "Prevented an unwanted file upload attempt!" I am commenting with what I did, in case it helps someone else. I was getting the error only with PDF files, so I guess it had something to do with my PDF files not presenting the correct mimetype to the script or something? Anyhow, I modified maincore.php like this:

at line 73 or so, where it is
if(!$valid_mimetype) {

I modified so that an exception is made for PDF:
if(!$valid_mimetype && !$extension=="pdf") {

I don't allow uploads from anyone but myself; PDFs can contain malicious code.
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