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When PHPFusion v8 RC1

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jikaka 10
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when to expect the first release of version 8?
at what stage is the work?
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Craig 14
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Your an admin and Developer you should know this answer no?
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jikaka 10
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I know, but I'm tired of all respond
question was asked, as I was asked
want to hear an official response
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Craig 14
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OK mate no problem, I understand. :) Communication between team mates is good. :G
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Rudios 10
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Im new to Fusion. I installed Fusion via my Softaculous panel and liked it right away. It is only after i visited this website that i noticed how old this beauty is. I think it is still one of the best CMSs around (i did try many). But when i see this graph: http://w3techs.com/technologies/detai...on/all/all would it not be time to see an interim version of Fusion?
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@jikaka, you know the drill. No dates, no broken promises!
We have been tuning the systems here to also make the main site look and work in a more modern fasion, naturally it takes a toll on the development else where The work is still progressing steady in one shape or another. No development goes to waste here.

Welcome Rudios and thank you for the appreciation.
Yes, we do feel the pressure and the heat if you will.
You can see the News item about the Inc PHPFusion 8 here : https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/news.php?readmore=587
While people wait, we actually do have some surprises for the community. Everyone here can and should be able to get some exciting news within this month!
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Rudios 10
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Thank you for the link Domi. This new Fusion 8 doesn't look like a minor (interim) upgrade, but more like going from windows 1.01 to OSX. ;)
A big thank you to all who create this new beauty! :G
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Chan 0
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Rudios, thank you my friend. I think you have just answered the thread. A quantum leap is too risky to be released as this project is measured by community progress. But know that the RC1 resides in this very server months ago. :) If it was not there, the screenshots wouldn't exist in the first place.

Yet, yes. Domi said what I wanted to say anyway regarding to this.
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Rizado 10
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This CMS has no updates more than one year and it's very bad. You may loss a some users.
I use this CMS since 2007 but now I use WP :| for two reasons:
1. Friendly URLs.
2. UTF-8.
I'm ready to be a beta-tester, I know PHP and I can fix part of possiblke bugs.

When we may expect RC?
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Rush_ 10
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jikaka 10
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- by Rush_

belarus attack?
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Chan 0
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Check out the latest V7.03 announcement. https://php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=35239&pid=189989#post_189989

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Craig 14
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- by Rush_

But who let the dogs out? Who? Who? :D
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The key to any new release is not so much about when it is coming, it's about the communication between the Development Team & the Members. I have also tried using Dolphin over the last few months & they are going through a similar thing bringing out a new release. Obviously once it is announced a new release is coming then people will get impatient, especially the more they hear about any new fesatures that may interest them. I think it is important for a Development Team to get people on board who can commit to working on the key areas of the project that would ensure it's release in a timely manner.

I also think a release month should be published on the understanding that it may change where Admin can update & give reasons for the delay. This keeps everyone informed & lets members know that the project is still being worked on & not abandoned. This is essential when working on online projects as all too often sites & projects end abruptly & members are left in the dark. It keeps them interested, in the know & can also create a buzz for the upcoming release which can be much needed nearer the actual release date. Just my two pennies worth on the topic ;)
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Chan 0
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As far as the delay goes, it's about syncing time/development. I can assure most that what needs to be done was timely executed despite any kinds of reasons was encountered. There are just people in this project that sacrificed everything they have for Fusion, and I'm one of them. We don't ask for payments. We ask for patience due to heavy load of chasing back development speed.

Then again, we also need to question that should Fusion faced heavy acceleration, many developers would be left out. At the end, nobody will be able to answer users questions. Mind that, out of 10 major CMS, Fusion yet remained one that possessed relatively quite high ratings in terms of support quality and feedback. If one would look at a problem and ask any of the senior developers here any questions - most knew the entire CMS inside out and could give an answer right away. Now, changing all these will require everyone to update themselves and follow the development very closely.

Our devs simply can't be missed out, and then come back like 3 version laters and still think it will be the same and still be supported. That is also a reason we go for 7.03 before 8, because we will all land in nightmare when looking at the code changes (except for the author himself of course). Then we'll be facing new problems as well.

It's a double edged factor here. If we discuss too much, things may never be done. If we don't, many will not know what actually landed.

We cannot simply be too fast, nor too slow. Everything has its pace. To simply put it, if there are 50 hard-core developers working on the commits here today, we'd be ten times faster in coming up with anything. But as far as today is, many projects have been made available to users and what I can do as here is to ensure that our codes are well preserved and wait for contributing developers to actually work on this project. This is a collaborative effort, unique nonetheless.

Right now, we're gonna push 7.03 as fast as we can, and as stable as we can. Upon that done, I will make my personal goal to push out V8 RC1 within this year as well. I hope that gives many insights to the Version 8.00 release date - and as to when, I cannot guarantee. It all boils down to a time/development variable. I hope that gives the insights many are missing at this point of time.
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Craig 14
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Right now, we're gonna push 7.03 as fast as we can, and as stable as we can. Upon that done, I will make my personal goal to push out V8 RC1 within this year as well. I hope that gives many insights to the Version 8.00 release date - and as to when, I cannot guarantee. It all boils down to a time/development variable. I hope that gives the insights many are missing at this point of time.
- by hien

Fred, Just keep doing the good your doing without saying to much. ;) :G

You know what I mean anyway, just saying.
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Thanks for the update Hien! :)

Of the two CMS I currently use, the Support on PHPFusion is by far better. That's what is more vauable for me for any CMS. We all like to see new features added, especially if it is something that we have wanted for some time but I think getting the core of the CMS & current infusions working flawlessly before adding new features makes more sense. This is one thing that PHPFusion is good at for me. Too many other CMS bring out buggy releases & addons & continue to do so without actualy fixing what they brought out in the first placce properly. PHPFusion is the best in my opinion so far! :)
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Chan 0
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Right now, we're gonna push 7.03 as fast as we can, and as stable as we can. Upon that done, I will make my personal goal to push out V8 RC1 within this year as well. I hope that gives many insights to the Version 8.00 release date - and as to when, I cannot guarantee. It all boils down to a time/development variable. I hope that gives the insights many are missing at this point of time.
- by hien

Fred, Just keep doing the good your doing without saying to much. ;) :G

You know what I mean anyway, just saying.
- by Craig

I got it covered bro. :)
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Craig 14
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:G :G
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I'm a lurker more-so than an active contributor, but I do, generally, love the CMS. I think there's a lot of fans frustrated at the lack of any real development. Other CMSes have kept up with the times and some (like Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla) manage to keep pumping out generally well received updates (admittedly Joomla has only recently been really well rated).

PHPFusion has been v7 for over 6 years (https://php-fusion.co.uk/news.php?readmore=418). There are still bugs in basic functionality and many of the add-ons in the add-on DB are old, outdated, and don't work (or work well) with the newer v7 versions. Many people would call this a dead project, but every so often you guys release some news or a teaser about v8 development.

Even the Alpha "alpha" site (next.php-fusion.co.uk) has seemed to have disappeared, despite it being an exciting look at the features going into development. It's frustrating because v7 sites and themes feel old. They look old and they act old. I want to use PHPFusion in my next project.

It's hard to argue against Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla. It's hard to push a great CMS when development is sluggish at best. I don't have easy answers, but I felt like voicing my concerns in the hopes that it's not seen as rampant nit-picking, but true blue concerns from a long-time fan of PHPFusion.
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Rizado 10
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jikaka 10
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