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include problem

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Got a problem. I have a banner on the right side that i only want to show on my first page. I choose to include /news.php in that panel.
Problem is that i have a lot of news on my site. When i go to next page of news the banner shows anyways :(.
And when users want to READ MORE in the news panel the banner shows. I only want the banner to show at the first page.

My first page that i only want to show the banners www.volvosweden.se/news.php
when you read more news example, I dont want to show the banners: http://volvosweden.se/news.php?rowstart=3

I used this incl in the panel...I there any solutions?
Edited by Sladdaren on 17-01-2017 17:29,
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Falk 146
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Do a manual include of the banner directly in the news between the following brackets.
if (!isset($_GET)) {
echo " should show on only first page ";
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This could work:G if i get it to work..Im a bit nuub on this coding..But is it this how you mean?

Post a picture sry

Or do i need to go into the news.php file and attach the code ?
Edited by Sladdaren on 21-01-2017 02:40,
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Falk 146
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yes place that code in news.php and have the banner code between brackets, that way it only shows on page 1.
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I think im doing something wrong :|

I posted the code in news.php like this
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";
if (!isset($_GET)) {
echo "/news.php";

// Predefined variables, do not edit these values
$i = 0;

// Number of news displayed
$items_per_page = $settings['newsperpage'];

Should /news.php rewrite to "show only on first page" ?? or should it be a link http://volvosweden.se/news.php?

And in the panel code i write it like this...


What am i doing wrong here:| ?
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Falk 146
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Only use
if (!isset($_GET)) {
echo "Move your panel content here";

Do not include news.php, only inlcuide what you want displayed on first page only.
Do not use openside or close side. copy the content from the panel and echo the content between the GET brackets.
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This is what ivé done
I open the news.php file in my ftp client and paste the code i got from Falk in the top of the news.php

require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";
if (!isset($_GET)) {
echo "<center><table border='3' style='width:72%'>
    <td><center>bannertext <a href='bannerlink/'>bannerlink</a> en oberoende prisjämförelsetjänst på nätet.<center><a href='link><img src='bannerimage'></a></td>
// Predefined variables, do not edit these values
$i = 0;

And i disable the panel
Now it should show the banner on my first page ( www..../news.php)
But i dont se the banner anyware?

Im hoping for more info on what could be wrong :|
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Falk 146
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You most likley have some GET triggered, but should not contain data unless a new page is triggered.
if(empty($_GET)) { 

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I see it. But it placed in the center of the site now. Where should i place the code to get it in the left side?
Notice, that i dont have this code in a panel..only in news.php
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Falk 146
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Simply use the code in the panel instead then.

if(empty($_GET)) {

panel content

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ohh maaan :G i think you solved it for me :D Thank you Falk for your uber expertis help.

I posted the code in a new left panel.

if(empty($_GET)) {

echo "banner code";


I was have to use panel restriktions...include only in /news.php
The banner only shows now in my first page on the site. When i click the READ MORE on my news the banner is gone...jiippi i cant belive it :D
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Falk 146
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Glad you found a solution Sladdaren...
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