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Function to fetch all rows of dbquery()

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Routh 10
Chris Routh
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dbarray() fetches one row into an associative array.

I need to fetch all rows into an array of associative arrays like mysqli_result::fetch_all or mysqli_fetch_all so I can do this:


How do I do this in PHPFusion 9?
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Falk 146
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Here is one example with two methods in 1. ( Not tested but you get the idea )

   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_XXX."");
   $rows = dbrows($result);
   if ($rows != 0) {
      while ($data = dbarray($result)) {

      // if you need an extra passable array, build it in loop.
      $extra_array = array();
      $extra_array = $data['my_database_table']; // populate the workable array
      echo $data['my_database_table']; // or just use it on the fly
   } else {
      echo "no results";
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Chan 0
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Fetch all Rows, it's not in the native function yet.

$result = \PHPFusion\Database\DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default')->query($query, $param);
$rows = \PHPFusion\Database\DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default')->fetchAllRows($$result);
Edited by Chan on 09-06-2017 03:18,
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Routh 10
Chris Routh
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Thank you both. Falk, your method was what I was trying to avoid. Chan's method is what I wanted, to avoid the overhead of a loop.

Would be nice to expose this as a native function.
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Routh 10
Chris Routh
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using your code, and passing a simple SQL query to it, results in the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function setFetchMode() on null in /var/www/html/includes/classes/PHPFusion/Database/Driver/PDOMySQL.php on line 174

I used this as a function from your code:

function fetchFullArray($query, $params=NULL) {
    $result = \PHPFusion\Database\DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default')->query($query, $params);
    $rows = \PHPFusion\Database\DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default')->fetchAllRows($result);
    return $rows;

Any idea why? I'm just doing a SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 25; as a test.

UPDATE: It works suddenly... Odd.
Edited by Routh on 10-06-2017 18:15,
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Chan 0
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Yes, we can certainly do that. Bring up an issue in Github please, so we won't miss it. I'm still busy doing invention now.
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Falk 146
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Easy today as well , just wrap it then

$data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_XXX.""));
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Falk 146
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Routh 10
Chris Routh
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Chan 0
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