Hi guys,
I'm searching for a simple way to check if PDF files work.
To give a some more information, I'll describe my situation (this is a question concerning my work):
Every 3 months I receive some DVD's filled with PDF files that contain technical info. There are over 30000 files on these discs.
Next, these DVD's are duplicated to distribute to our technicians, who need these informations to be able to do their jobs.
The last DVD-set I received contained several corrupted PDF-files (more than 5000 files). I didn't notice this, as the file doesn't show any irregularities. The extension is PDF, the filesize is over 1 kB....
There was nothing abnormal, so I sent the DVD's to our Duplication Factory and had them copied.
After the Copy process, I distributed the sets (over 800 sets of 3 DVD's each). After a while, I started getting error messages of our technicians. There were several files that wouldn't open.
I checked the Master DVD's (that I received) and the error was also in here!
The only way to detect the error message (Acrobat says: "This is not a %PDF file bla bla bla...)
So I'm looking for a tool that opens PDF and detects which files can't be opened (and write this in a Log-file).
Opening the PDF file is the only way of detecting the error.
Anyone has a suggestion?
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