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Dating site

Asked Modified Viewed 2,688 times
Kristian Thorsen
Carne Diem - Seize the MEAT
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After working a lot with Fusion Forum Extreme and thank to Malek for the further work im looking for new changes or development of fusion and still (i have mentioned earlier) think we need a dating concept.

What do we need to make a dating site complete?

- Hot or Not
- Personal Photogallery (dont think that the members pages is the solution, to many think included which is not interresting for dating)
- Broadcast
- A function where you can see which users has looked at your page
- A panel that shows the most viewed user (Popular User)
- A function where a new user only have a 24 hours membership and the existing users should vote if the person can enter - Boys vote on girls and otherwise.
- Chat
- Personal calender

Anything else?
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i can see how you'd want this as an infusion or add on - but it's a little specialised for the core product don't you think? I know i'd definately NOT want a dating element to php fusion within my site! :)
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kejonn 10
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A few years ago when I originally wanted to open up my own site, I too wanted a "dating" component to whatever CMS I chose. I tried e107, Xoops, and finally settled on Fusion. Neither of the others had usable dating add-ons (Xoops did, but it stunk). Since then my site ideas have changed and while I still want a community type-site, just not a dating site. I think it had a lot to do with my recent indifference to dating ;).

That being said, I agree with krispy_d. I don't think that thokra was implying that it would be part of the core though because this is something very specialized.

In the end, you have to wonder if having a dating component is worth the effort of coding anymore. There are literally 100s to 1000s of dating sites out there already...what would yours offer that their's did not? It would have to be very unique and would most likely end up as a "flash in the pan" after all was said and done. Therefore, its likely that if you want it, you'll have to code it yourself :|.

Oh, BTW, I will say that I could lend a hand with any coding dealing with searches based on geography (miles/kilometers apart). I've successfully coded an personal infusion to do just on my website. Its only for U.S. zipcodes right now but it used latitude and longitude so could be extended for world-wide use. I don't guarantee people will understand my coding though!
Edited by kejonn on 09-05-2006 00:13,
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- Personal Photogallery (dont think that the members pages is the solution, to many things included which is not interresting for dating)

But you are more than welcome to take that part out and use it :D It's more or less 3 files and some tables to create.
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Kristian Thorsen
Carne Diem - Seize the MEAT
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My reason for this thread is to hear what other things a dating version of fusion we will need to make it complete and what you wrote was what you dont like... ha ha

The add one, should be infusions and mods of original files.
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Kristian Thorsen
Carne Diem - Seize the MEAT
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this threads is active on open beta site.
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Carne Diem - Seize the MEAT
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kejonn 10
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Webmaster of THREE PHP Fusion driven community sites;
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