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Upgrade strangeness to 6.01.5

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Hi All, in my previous posts about my upgrade I had some problems and I was able to get most of them fixed on my own with out to much trouble but now I am stumped. I have some strange problems mostly with the admin displays and with the photo gallery. I'm not really sure how to describe them so I took some screen shots. I guess I will have to attach them one at a time to show the problem.

First screen shot here is from the Forum settings. It shows a yes / no drop down menu with no description. I have no idea what this is. I have tried re-uploading all the files and it still looks the same. See the screen shot.

Any ideas?
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The next strange display is in the admin photo gallery settings. This does not look right to me.
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The next strange display is from the admin Photo Album
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This next screen capture is from the photo gallery Album display. Notice the text under the albums. This does not look right to me.
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This last display is from the actual photo gallery itself. The displays under the pictures appear to be missing the proper text. Is there any way I can fix this? I was even considering deleting all the photos and starting over but when I try and add an album it just comes up blank. I am thinking something went bad during the upgrade. Sadly I deleted the backup of the database after I did the install when I thought the upgrade went in fine. So I can't go back to the previous version. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this short of deleting the entire site and starting over. For the most part the rest of the site is working fine. It's just these few things that I have screen captured. Any help or direction would be appreciated. If you would like to see the photo gallery live you can see it at http://www.smallbore.us
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Please re-upload all local files. Clearly some text is missing (but you saw that yourself :P), and all text is stored in the files under the locale folder. It could be, that while uploading files, some of those locale files got messed up.

Re-uploading them may very well solve your problem :)
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Hey there mistermartin75, thank you for the quick reply, I just went to do exactly what you said and again I found what I found with the photo_gallery infusion. Is this something with my web host? The Uploading or is this a bug or oversight in the new distribution? Notice the screen capture and see the there is an English and there is a english directory as with all the other languages too. This happened yesterday when I uploaded ALL files from the distribution zip of 6.05.1
I will go back and do the same as I did with the infusion and upload the files to the proper directory. Thanks so much for your help.

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Well, remove them all and re-upload them all, that may work.

Otherwise, if you're on UNIX (which you probably are, you can see this in your PHP Info, available under 'System Admin'. You see two columns, of which the first starts with 'System'. Could you copy-paste that, please?

This is mine:

System Linux alpha.phost.nl #2 SMP Mon Nov 14 16:37:26 CET 2005 x86_64

If you're on windows, it doesn't matter which folder it's in, if you're on UNIX (of which Linux is a derative) it does matter, so that's when it may mess up...
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I think that did the trick mistermartin75... Again thank you for your help. It is appreciated!

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Ahhhhhhhhhh. I think I might have found the problem. Becuase I am on a unix host, I had once checked an option in my FTP program to force lower case. (My Bad) It has been my practice to always use lower case when working with unix unless a need for a capital is required. Will have to pay more attention to case. Thanks!
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