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Just Looking

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I am doing a website for charity as a voluntary exercise. I am an amateur designer (no PHP but I guess that will change!) with little experience but fairly savvy. I need to use a CMS for this site and I have a short list of Joomla! and Drupal. I need another to consider and came across this one. It leads to a number of questions which I hope you experts can help me with before I take the plunge:

1. The core and extensions must be fully or partialy designed with accessibility in mind and have a plan to move forward. Is this true of PHP-fusion?

2. Are there templates which are accessible and use only xhtml & CSS (no tables for the structure of the page)?

3. How may people are involved in the core development and actively work on new changes?

4. I cannot find an accessibility policy stated on the website. Can someone point me there?

5. Am I restricted in the host (linux/windows, etc.) I use?

Thanks for yuor time.
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:o If anyone can comment on any of the queries, much appreciated.

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1: Yes

2: To the best of my knowledge, not yet, but it's being discussed.

3: There are 20 plus people working on DEV Team.

4: Can you please explain what you mean by that?

5: No.
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