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posting image in guestbook

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pupil 10
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first of all i'm very sorry if this is not the right place for this, and sorry if you think this thread subject is misleading (english not my native language).

btw, today some one had posted new entry in my guestbook (i use the official guestbook infusion), the message contain fairly big image which said "Hacked By WolfKid". why is it possible? i was under the impression that the guestbook wont accept HTML tag.

any way this is the backup of so called "hacked" guestbook http://www.mirr0r.org/deface_mirror/?.../?id=21178, i found that link from my webstats :D
this is my guestbook http://donnie.110mb.com/infusions/guestbook/guestbook.php, i've deleted the message and ban the IP.
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Its just some idiot trying to scare you, used img bbcode, ignore it.
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pupil 10
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ah.. the bbcode, that didn't crossed my mind :D
thanks for the fast reply.

btw i'm not worried, because that idiot leave his ip address which turn out to be his DSL modem which (luckily for me) is manageable from web which (luckily for me again) still use it's vendor default password :D
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pupil 10
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now a different IP posting disgusting image in my guestbook. it become very annoying. how can i disable this bbcode thingy?
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Ken 10
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I'm sure this can be solved in an other and maybe also easier way, but here is what I did:

The guestbook /infusions/guestbook/guestbook.php use the maincore.php to get the bbcode to work. Maincore.php that is located in root contains, among lots of other things, the [img] and [url] tags that are also used in the forum, shoutbox, etc. So because of this I didn't touch maincore.php that lies in root.

1) But I made a copy of maincore.php and placed the copy of it in the /infusions/guestbook/ folder where you also find guestbook.php , etc.

In the maincore.php copy I then commented out (//) the [img] and [url] tags. I like to comment out because I can then turn if off later if I want, and I can also later see what I have done.

So I changed the copy of maincore.php as follows:

[color=red]//[/color]$text = preg_replace('#\[url\]([\r\n]*)(http://|ftp://|https://|ftps://)([^\s\'\";\+]*?)([\r\n]*)\[/url\]#si', '<a href=\'\2\3\' target=\'_blank\'>\2\3</a>', $text);
   [color=red]//[/color]$text = preg_replace('#\[url\]([\r\n]*)([^\s\'\";\+]*?)([\r\n]*)\[/url\]#si', '<a href=\'http://\2\' target=\'_blank\'>\2</a>', $text);
   [color=red]//[/color]$text = preg_replace('#\[url=([\r\n]*)(http://|ftp://|https://|ftps://)([^\s\'\";\+]*?)\](.*?)([\r\n]*)\[/url\]#si', '<a href=\'\2\3\' target=\'_blank\'>\4</a>', $text);
   [color=red]//[/color]$text = preg_replace('#\[url=([\r\n]*)([^\s\'\";\+]*?)\](.*?)([\r\n]*)\[/url\]#si', '<a href=\'http://\2\' target=\'_blank\'>\3</a>', $text);

[color=red]//[/color]$text = preg_replace("#\[img\]((http|ftp|https|ftps)://)(.*?)(\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|JPG|JPEG|GIF|PNG))\[/img\]#sie","'<img src=\'\\1'.str_replace(array('.php','?','&','='),'','\\3').'\\4\' style=\'border:0px\'>'",$text);

2) Then you just need to tell /infusions/guestbook/guestbook.php that it can not use the maincore.php in root but instead the copy that lies in /infusions/guestbook/

So I changed /infusions/guestbook/guestbook.php like this:

First I commented out like this:
[color=red]//[/color]require_once "../../maincore.php";

and right after I added this:
require_once "maincore.php";

I hope you understand all this :)
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pupil 10
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thanks for your reply. i've followed your suggestion and it works. thanks :)
btw i also commented out this line:
$text = preg_replace('#\[flash width=([0-9]*?) height=([0-9]*?)\]([^\s\'\";:\+]*?)(\.swf)\[/flash\]#si', '<object classid=\'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\' codebase=\'http://active.macromedia.com/flash6/cabs/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0\' id=\'\3\4\' width=\'\1\' height=\'\2\'><param name=movie value=\'\3\4\'><param name=\'quality\' value=\'high\'><param name=\'bgcolor\' value=\'#ffffff\'><embed src=\'\3\4\' quality=\'high\' bgcolor=\'#ffffff\' width=\'\1\' height=\'\2\' type=\'application/x-shockwave-flash\' pluginspage=\'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\'></embed></object>', $text);

which i think a bbcode for embending swf file ??? i hope i'm right.
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Ken 10
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Stupid "hackers" dont know how to make a .swf file so I didn't bother to comment out that line. - Just kidding :D:D. Sounds like a good idea to also comment that line out. Thanks :)
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