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Control Panel - News Panel Problem

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Hai there...anyone can help me to fix my news panel in control panel..When i try to make new news....after all i done when i click save news..that news didn't appear in home page as usual..but my older news appear random in home page...

When i click Preview News button, it seem to be ok & also my news didnt have any problem at all...The problem is when i click Save News button...After click Save News button, i go to refresh hompage and there is the problem..The new news is not appear at all and second problem is my old news become random appear when everytime i refresh my homepage.

I can't do anything now...I cant make new news and save it as usual...what is the problem...

Hope somebody can help me....Very hope to get some help..:|
Edited by mohamtmn on 10-06-2007 19:06,
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not sure what exactly has happened here. Did the problem start all of a sudden, or did you change something before it went "berserk"?

Have you installed any mods or infusions lately that may have affected the way your site works?

An URL to the site in question is always nice! :)
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Yes, i try to install this mods

Downlaod Sub Categories - Author by carootje..This can be found in http://www.phpfusion-mods.com/infusions/moddb/mods.php

But the result is bad. I got warning error with the mysql...

I replaced back the file that i have change to the original one then suddenly i not sure what was wrong.

I never change anyhing files in news panel mods. I just try to install Download sub categories mods before this problem happen...

How can i make my news panel back to first time use...Is that posible...:|
Edited by mohamtmn on 11-06-2007 10:40,
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can somebody help me pleaseeeee:|
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Like I said, an URL to your site is always nice :)
1] please - provide an URL
2] what version of php-fusion are you using?

I think there's something that's messed up in your database news table, but I'm not sure.

3] To verify that you have the basic fields intact, you could preview the following code in a custom page:

$result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$db_prefix}news");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo "<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='0' class='tbl-border'>\n<td colspan='2'><b>Table cheme for: news</b></td>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr><td class='tbl1'>".$row[0]."</td><td class='tbl2'>".$row[1]."</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";

Just copy/paste the above code, hit [preview] -> Copy the outcome and paste it in this thread.

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Table cheme for: news
news_id smallint(5) unsigned
news_subject varchar(200)
news_cat smallint(5) unsigned
news_news text
news_extended text
news_breaks char(1)
news_name smallint(5) unsigned
news_datestamp int(10) unsigned
news_start int(10) unsigned
news_end int(10) unsigned
news_visibility tinyint(3) unsigned
news_reads smallint(5) unsigned
news_sticky tinyint(1) unsigned
news_allow_comments tinyint(1) unsigned
news_allow_ratings tinyint(1) unsigned

This is what come when i test it...

My URL is http://www.cyberdacafe.com

If you go to my webpage u will see in midle there is

1. welcome (pic)
2. announcement
3. latest active forum thread
4. ,.........this come problem

after (3) should be metallica history pic...this is the last news i make...but the pics not appear in (4)...U can see in my left panel (News) there is metallica history at top...

why this all happen....

to let u know...i have also ask in fusion mods forums...this is what the author advice

What is your main page? if it news.php, look last news after adding new news. If it at last try change its starting date...author by pHeR-d

!!!my latest news added appear when i try it...but if i click my HOME menu buton at top left...u can see that mypage is change...and the (4) problem come...

i'm using this version v6.01.10

thanks frens:|
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Please but back the copyrights at your site. Tread locked until you've done so. Why is it so darn difficult!?!
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