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Cant see/edit members profiles

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Once again I'm here with a question :)

This is the problem: If I click the Members List link I come to the Members List, duh :p But then when I click one of my members, even myself I just get a white page. I dont know since when this happened cause I haven't used it for long. The question is now if this is a know issue, if not I'll have to look into it.
As I said I dont know when this issue started, latest things I've added to the site are:

- Updated to the latest version
- Installed the Extra Smiley Infusion
- Made a Ventrillo Status Panel
- Added the Last Seen Users Panel

If you want you can probably see yourself www.unwieldingwrath.com

Next, not really a problem but some nice feature on this page I'd like to add on my page. At the post Thread page there are some nice 'hotbuttons' like for adding smileys, bold font, italic font, insert url, even a youtube button.

How can I add this?

Many greets and for next week: Happy Xmas! :)
Edited by Bluefear on 16-12-2007 13:54,
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BUMP!!! I'm having this EXACT problem, but I don't see any fixes? I hope someone has a fix. =(

Please contact me ASAP:
xFire: xTRUTHx
Steam: coldasice322
AIM: Righteous Dragon
Yahoo: x.corps
MSN: siiverLCE@hotmail.com
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undo all mods and disable all panels and infusions one by one to see what might cause this. I deleted your other thread.
Edit: And the other one as well. Will you please stop creating new threads?
Edited by Matonor on 18-08-2008 18:53,
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Ugh. I only created one thread in regards to this and replied to this one. -.-;

The only other thread I created was for a totally different issue. You probably should've left that thread, so if anyone else had a similar problem - they'd know how to correct the issue. Just my opinion though.

Thanx for the reply. Will try your suggestion and post back results.
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I've disabled all mods, infusions, and panels. The white/blank page still appears after clicking a member's name-link.

Is there a way to restore all the member profile information back to default? What file(s) store the data for everyone's profiles?

I'm thinking I can restore the core files to default, and backup the information and reupload after restoring back to default?
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There were two threads entitled something like "page goes blank when clicking member name" and there was no information but a brief description of this problem and your contact data.
All data is stored in the mysql database. you can just reupload all files from the full download archive and no data will be lost.
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I was about two seconds from FTP'ing every thing, but I just thought of something... that would not restart my PHP setup? If I overwrite ALL files back, then would that not cause the setup to initiate itself?

I just want to make sure before I go ahead and overwrite all my files. x_x;

Could I not just upload a couple files that specifically affect this issue?
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Simply re-uploading "profile.php" fixed this issue. Thanx for your help and quick responses! A+!!!

x_x I'm just a lil' paranoid of breaking something. I have no idea what I'm doing with PHP, much less websites.
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Nope, just make sure you don't upload setup.php and config.php.
But you could also try to upload members.php and profile.php.

If after that the blank page still appears upload everything again but not the setup.php and config.php.
Edited by Xessive on 18-08-2008 21:55,
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