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Upgrading from 6.00.306 to 6.01.13

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Been struggling with this for days. Is this upgrade possible? I'm only doing this on my Windows PC at the moment - everything is local it should be easy! I have tried the following as per the Upgrade from... instructions in the Readme file:

1 - Download the full version of 6.01.13, then copy the upgrade file from the folder "upgrade v6.00.3xx" folder to the folder C:\wamp\www\php-files\administration on my PC. Then I log in as super_admin and click Upgrade on the System Admin Panel. All I get is:
"There is no database upgrade available."

so, then I thought, maybe I have to install all the PHP-files for the 6.01.13 version, so..

2 - Downloaded the full version of 6.01.13, then extracted all files to my wamp/www folder, deleted the exisiting config file and renamed blank_config to config, then followed the usual set process. All this did was to wipe my database and still not able to upgrade (same result as one).

So I am obviously doing somethibng wrong - but I can't see what!

Any help gratefully received!


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As far as I know, there are a lot more files/folders in the upgrades to copy to your php-fusion folder than just administration.
As the readme files says:


3. VERY IMPORTANT: Since this release contains a number of structural changes, some elements of your site will not work properly until you have updated all of your files. YOU MUST upload ALL of the files from the php-files folder. Failing to upload all of the files will cause one or more of the following problems: no admin access, lower-center and right side panels mixed up, new gallery not working and more.

Now, this is from the upgrade readme from 6.00.1xx to 6.01.10.
Check (and read) the readme files to see if you missed anything.
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Hi Thanks for a quick response! On my second attempt I copied every file in the zipped download, so I don;t see that I could have missed anything. The readme is quite specific about copying the upgrade file to the administration folder, and then, as you say, about all files. As far as i can see I have done both, so I am now stuck.

Thanks again.

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The problem is, you first copied just a part of an upgrade and tried to upgrade. When that didn't work, you copied all files for the 6.01.13 installation. That doesn't work.
Now you have a site with a database for version 6.00.306, with most php files for version 6.00.306 and a lot of php files for version 6.01.13.

I hope it works to copy all files from the upgrade 6.00.3xx to 6.01.13 folders again and try to upgrade.
If not, then I'm afraid you'll have to restore a full backup of your site, including the database content and start all over again.

Or, install the whole site from scratch with version 6.01.13. That would be my choice for it would result in a fresh clean installation. I would accept the fact that I need to add the content again. If you don't have too much content and users or have no problem with loosing them, consider this option.

Good luck.....
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I think everything's fine and this issue is the same as the one in here. Apply the same change.

Make it from 60113 to 601130 and you will be able to perform the upgrade.
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Hi Guys - thanks for your help. Fortunately I did back up all the files and the database so I was able to restore it and try again. So the steps are:

1 - Download the full version of 6.01.13 and extract all files to your C:\wamp\www folder (which replaces all the existing .php files, but does not clear your own files).
2 - Edit the upgrade.php file so that the comparison done on line 19 is with 601130, not 60113.
3 - Copy this file to the c:\wamp\www\php-fusion\php-files\administration folder
4 - log on to the site as super admin and follow the upgrade instructions

As far as I can tell it works. Might I suggest that the upgrade.php file is amended ASAP in the download?

Thanks again for your help - no doubt I will be back for more!

Happy New Year,

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I'm planning to upgrade from 6.00.301 to 6.01.11 shortly, I'm reading the README file at the moment and i have the upgrade from v6.00.3xx in php-files/admin, so far so good I understand, then it says log in as s-admin and upgrade, all good I understand that too. Then from what I read following that I must upload the folder php-files to my website and just overwrite what is there?

Any help appreciated as I'm still very much a newb and have been too scared to upgrade lol.

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