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HackBeyond.net -- Playstation3 hacking site

Asked Modified Viewed 1,430 times
twitch 10
Some people belive if you play a Microsoft cd backwards it plays satanic messages.... Thats nothing if you play it forwards it installs windows......

http://www.hackbeyond.net - For all your Playststion 3 mods, hacks, themes, game saves, software, exploits, and anything else we can think of to void that warranty........
http://www.xboxmodzone.com - for all your XboX modding needs come check out my work...
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http://www.hackbeyond.net for all the latest PS3 hacks and news
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twitch 10
Some people belive if you play a Microsoft cd backwards it plays satanic messages.... Thats nothing if you play it forwards it installs windows......

http://www.hackbeyond.net - For all your Playststion 3 mods, hacks, themes, game saves, software, exploits, and anything else we can think of to void that warranty........
http://www.xboxmodzone.com - for all your XboX modding needs come check out my work...
  • Junior Member, joined since
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