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Strange characters over panels - 

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Just some Guy
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I've posted about this before to no avail and I'm not the only one. I've seen similar posts about this before, so I thought I'd give it another go as it's very annoying.

Does anyone know how to get rid of these characters that mysteriously appear over panels - 


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Homdax 10
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When editing files sometimes, depends on editor, some extra signs sneak in.

From your screenshot I think you should look at /infusions/latest_active_forum_threads.php (?) and edit it. You should see those characters on top. To make sure you get rid of it, copy-paste the code in to a new file you create...sometimes just deleting them does not help.

I am not really sure why this happens, but one cause can be the choice of editor. Personnaly I use Notepad++ for most small editing.
Edited by Homdax on 09-06-2008 10:30,
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Just some Guy
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thanx 4 that

I got rid of the nasty little 's on the Latest Active Forum Posts panel, [I tried the notepad approach, didn't work] by reloading infusions/forum_threads_list_panel/forum_threads_list_panel.php.

However, there's another one over a non-core panel [Random Article], I think that's what's causing it. I'll have to try to either fix it or live with it.

Thanks for your help :)
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