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Need SQL command to change theme

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Jelle Mees
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I changed the theme on my website and apperently there is something rong with that theme. My website is totally blanc now.
I can't change it back because I can't acces the website anymore.
Can anyone tell me how to change the value ( in MYSQL database with phpadmin ) to "Phos" or another theme that is included in V7?

It's been to long since I studied mysql. I can understand code when I see it but can't come up with commands.

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UPDATE fusion_isisettings SET theme = 'Phos'
Usually you could also use the back function in the browser. The settings page and the form before you updated the theme should be cached and you could just resend the form with different values :)
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Use code tags Matonor! :P


Matonor wrote:
Usually you could also use the back function in the browser. The settings page and the form before you updated the theme should be cached and you could just resend the form with different values :)

That only works in FireFox. Some unfortunate users (I'm glad I'm not one of them, well, anymore) are still using IE.
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Should work in any Browser that are caching pages. I don't consider IE a valid browser ;)
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Jelle Mees
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I went back and changed it. That did work in the past but not this time. Don't know why.
I'll try the command and see i it's fixed.

It worked! Hooah! :D Thanks!
Edited by Jelle Mees on 25-07-2008 14:11,
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