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Theme Contest Entry?

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I submitted a theme early on July 27. I made sure the download link works. But I didn't get a reply that it was received. As this is the final day for submissions (or is it the end?), I want to make sure its submission has been noted.

This is what I sent in the email:


Entry name: Slick Steel
Creator name: [removed]
Creator username: googlebot
Email: <removed>@gmail.com
Country/Region: United States
How long in the community: Nearing 3 months
Theme Download location: this link
Theme Description: Slick Steel is a comfortable blue steel theme. It has a white background with some solid blue parts, with a gradient scale that makes the blue parts appear 3D. It has a very light, non-intrusive gradient for panels.

Edit: special thanks to templis for pointing some bugs. If you find any, please post them here.
Edited by googlebot on 12-04-2009 03:52,
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Fixed banner image so that it is not centered.
Fixed subheader link color so that it is not white on a bright color.
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yes, this was received
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Matonor wrote:
yes, this was received

Ok, just making sure. I didn't receive a email like I did before (and like one of the news items said).

Anyway, I hope you have the newest update (the download link above).

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