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PHPFusion, versatile

Asked Modified Viewed 1,532 times
Moishe 10
It seems the more I learn, the more I don't know!
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I have installed PHPFusion on several sites I web master. One did not want logins and chose to use another forum. Not a problem with php-Fusion. Here is a list of the sites I have created using php-Fusion:

http://www.revealtheessence.comReveal The Essence; A kaballah site that only wanted the awesome backend of php-Fusion

http://www.bnei-noah.comB'Nei Noach Website

http://www.tracy-davidson.comTracy Davidson - a hopeful writer wanting his name in Internetz

http://www.wmghonline.comWmGH Online - My own personal website.
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Moishe 10
It seems the more I learn, the more I don't know!
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