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What Steps to follow for Upgrade from 6.x to 7

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I do not know much of coding (php) and i have a site that uses php fusion. Recently, i've seen an attack and I want to upgrade it to current version (i.e. 7) so that I have latest security updates;

I'd be greatly appreciated if someone can help me answer the following:

what are the steps?
Does the v6 infusion work in v7?
is there a way to do a test upgrade?
What problems can be encountered?

do we need to be on a certain version of 6 to go to latest release?

Can we change Database Admin password?

Thank You
Php Fusion Fan
Edited by 2fusion on 28-01-2009 05:47,
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hame 10
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OMG !! now seriously USE THE SEARCH on this site... this Q has been asnwered 20 times the past 5 days. Plus Fusion 7 has a readme that shows the steps one by one.
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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Well, hame, it does not answer all the questions, I think.


is there a way to do a test upgrade?
The only way to do it is either making a copy of the site (either in a subdirectory of your current site or using localhost on your computer), that also uses a copy of your database. If you make proper copies of all your site files and the database, then you can perfrom the upgrade on your actual site and roll-back if something goes wrong.


What problems can be encountered?
There are reports of sites encountering problems after upgrades but these were mostly due to leaving v6 panels/mods/infusions enabled or choosing a v6 theme after an upgrade. After an upgrade to v7 all v6 themes should be removed immediately as these are incompatible.


do we need to be on a certain version of 6 to go to latest release?
The most certain way is to upgrade to the latest version of v6.01 first. In that case you know your site is secure as can be without the v7 upgrade. In v6.01.12 the double-hashed passwords were introduced. If you at least upgrade to that version it will probably save your users asking for new passwords.


Can we change Database Admin password?

The database admin password is the password that PHPFusion uses to access the database. This one is stored in config.php. If the database password is changed (which should be done from your site's control panel or similar), then you update config.php accordingly. That password cannot be changed using PHPFusion. If you mean whether a PHPFusion administrator password can be changed, then the answer is yes. If you'd rather have ransomised passwords for administrators, you can use the Admin Reset Infusion for v7 in http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/downloads...?cat_id=17.
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2fusion wrote:

I do not know much of coding (php) and i have a site that uses php fusion. Recently, i've seen an attack and I want to upgrade it to current version (i.e. 7) so that I have latest security updates;

I'd be greatly appreciated if someone can help me answer the following:

what are the steps?
Does the v6 infusion work in v7?
is there a way to do a test upgrade?
What problems can be encountered?

do we need to be on a certain version of 6 to go to latest release?

Can we change Database Admin password?

Thank You
Php Fusion Fan

I did a search and can't find the answer. So I tried to do the update and f...up my site. used the instructions from readme file.
1. uploaded upgrade script
2. logged in to complete the 4 steps....
2a. which isn't a step, but I forgot to remove setup.php page
3. uploaded v7 files
4. went to site, the site showed with a couple of errors. 1 of the erros said i still had setup.php page and can't remember the other error. page was displaying but parts wasn't in place because of mods or infusions... at least I thought.

So yes, somewhere that explains what steps exactly would be greatly appreciated. Cause I went exactly according to the readme file....Good thing this is my tester site: poker101a.net

After this, i removed all files from server and reloaded my poker101a.net site...v6, but this made me have line errors now, for some reason....

I loaded back up my site and now get this error:
Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2002 : Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock' (2)

Thanks for any help.....
Edited by team2win on 13-02-2009 21:50,
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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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