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Archiving within forums

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*reposted from general category*

Hi there,

i have never used php.fusion before so forgive me if this is such a simple thing to do that it shouldnt be asked - i am trying to find a solution that i desire for our forum so i can ask the owner to instigate it for me.

I am trying to find out if it is possible to make archive folders within a forum to move older threads into.

in other words a subdirectory under the forum.

so: www.myforum.com/home/forum a/forum a archive 1

My situation: we use a forum to roll play between our weekly dnd sessions. in the forum we each make our own threads for actions we take independent of each other and we then have group inteerraction threads. however we end threads when the scene finishes. it would be great to number these and place them in a subdirectory for each character.

so www.myforum.com/home/forum a/character a archive
www.myforum.com/home/forum a/character b archive etc

hope this makes sense

Edited by ChronicD on 20-06-2009 21:25,
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