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Photo submissions is broken

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ps2cho 10
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I'm not sure quite why....

Whenever I get a photo submission, I go to approve it and this is at the top:

Notice: Undefined index: photo_file in /home/wzonecom/public_html/administration/submissions.php on line 406

Any ideas?
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I understand your frustration ps2cho. In all fairness, PHPFusion v7.01 is plagued with a lot of bugs. While attempting to recreate the error, I was halted because I couldn't even submit a photo, all I got was a blank screen.

You can only hope that v7.02 lives up to better standards and will be more supportive in updating bugs the very day there found and fixed.

Your problem probably already exist on the development website. Nevertheless, I would suggest reporting it anyways.

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ps2cho 10
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Think I got it....It was a folder permissions issue.
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